The Benefits Of Buying A House WITH CASH!


I don't get the obsession with buying houses honestly. The thought of being "stuck" Somewhere scares me! I see so many people struggling to pay their mortgages off.
They can't travel, They can't get a new job if they need to, Unless they can find something close by.

I've always seen home buying as a trap.
But I started to realize that part of my fear was because the people I watched struggle were paying for their home overtime instead of right away.

Buying a home in cash seems to be a dream for many, But something that seems impossible. The average home costs 177,000 Which is a crazy amount of money. That would buy you a few brand new cars!

No Uncertainty

There is fear and uncertainty when you go to get your credit score checked. You don't always know what kind of financing terms you will get as a result.
When you pay cash you can bypass this.
After buying the house, People don't realize that more comes with it...
If you lose your job and can't get another one, You can't easily relocate to where the jobs are. You're kinda stuck...
Your neighborhood becomes crap, And isn't as safe for the kids... Your stuck.
Sure, You can sell your home and move away, But it can be a hassle. And you have a lot to lose.
The uncertainty of paying in cash, Is, of course, market fluctuations! But if you plan to stick with your home long term, This probably won't be an issue for you.

Chances For A Better Price!

When you have cash, you can often talk down the price.
They'll get their money right away, instead of later down the road. This will save you even MORE money!

No Mortage Or Rent Payment

Rent or a mortgage tends to be people's largest bill month to month. It's funny really. You spend most of your time at a job, And then the place you sleep eats away most of your money! It doesn't make a lot of sense.
When you pay cash for a house you don't have that kind of monthly payment, So you can invest it, Or save it! Which will add up quickly overtime!
You can even rent out extra rooms in your house for the extra money! You can do this even if you're paying a mortgage. But owning the house will allow you to use the money for something other than a monthly payment.

No Interest!

Interest adds up so fast! I noticed that when I took out a small 4,500 loan when I was 18 years old. This is the same for houses, Even if you get a low-interest rate, The principal is so large it will add up incredibly fast.

Less Stress

The basic payment, Combined with interest has to be stressful!
Whenever I take out a small loan, I can't handle it. I go on a peanut butter and jelly/Ramen noodle diet so I can pound out the amount I owe as quickly as possible! With a mortgage, It may be years of what you earn. You'll have less flexibility on paying it off fast.

Disadvantage: Less liquidity

You buying the house outright will take a lot of your money! You will have less to Save, Spend and invest on other things.
With real estate investing, your money isn't always liquid.
If you run into trouble, you'll have less money to rely on. Which can be scary. So If you buy a house outright. It's important to have a larger emergency savings!

Buy that house with CASH

If you want a house consider it, Or heck try and save up as much as you can.

You'll live so much more comfortably if you aren't stuck in debt.

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