When You Are Confident You Can Do It, You WILL!

I'm feeling incredible right now! Today I got my Tier up to 1,000 on Merch by Amazon. A couple of months ago, I was banned from the program. And now I'm in the 1,000 tier!? It's crazy!

Deep down, I always knew I could get everything I wanted out of life.
Sound conceited?
Maybe a little bit.
But when you feel like you are going to get what you want, you just have to take that step. You are more likely to take that risk.

If you look at an opportunity And think "I'll never Get accepted." Then why would you even apply? It's likely that you'll give up before you even start. You also don't have that entitled mindset, that "you deserve to have this, And people must give it to you, " Because then you also may not take that step When it's not handed to you.

Growing up I was always taught that hard work yielded results. As I grew older. I realized that it was only "Half True" And I had somewhat lied to my whole life.

You can be the best Janitor in the world. But there is a ceiling, A limit to how much you can make. Because in this world, Janitors don't make much. As A teen I genuinely believed that if I became the best employee at every job I had, that I would be heavily rewarded with massive raises, Extra vacation time. And everything that I could ever dream of.
I didn't realize that it's not that hard to be the best employee in many entry level jobs.

Was I appreciated?

Of course. Most of my bosses expressed a massive amount of gratitude towards me. Giving me small raises when they could, Buying me soda now and then.
I give them a lot of credit Because they worked within their limits to make me feel good about the effort I was putting into my job.

But did I get everything I ever imagined out of life?

No, I didn't. Even though many of my bosses loved me, They couldn't give me extra vacation time, Or give me a 50.00 an hour raise. They have limits as well. And at my position, there was always a limit to how much I could make, And how much vacation I could have.

That's when I realized I had to get more out of life!
It makes me so sad, to see people full of regrets. Unfortunately. You can offer people advice, But you can't make them successful.

Was I scared?

Hell yeah! I remember feeling a tremendous amount of fear when I dropped out of college. I was working two jobs and going to school. I felt I needed all of that to get what I wanted out of life. But I started realizing that I was working myself into the ground. I was so tired I couldn't function. I worked my butt off for years, and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't any closer to my goals.

I knew deep down I could have anything. I just needed to figure out HOW to get it.

So I started my businesses. I've had businesses fail. And that's okay I learned a lot. I then apply it to my next business. I've also been building up my passive income sources.

Its been working out great and I've been self-employed for almost a year now!
If you want something in life, believe in yourself and have the confidence to go after it! Anything is possible!

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