Why Do We Have A Prefrontal Cortex?

Why do we even have one? In my last post, I talked about how your neurons can die. In this post, I'm going to talk about the functions of your prefrontal cortex and how they affect your daily life.

Your Prefrontal Cortex is VERY Important!

We usually don't think real hard about different areas of our brains. We just go about our day as usual. The Prefrontal cortex has a lot to do with your everyday life.

Complex Planning

Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for your complex planning! Without it, you may not be able to plan most of your day.


The ability to focus on one thing, It's part of our decision making. This is one of the areas people with ADHD have slightly impaired.


Whats the point of planning if you can't eventually make a final decision and hopefully execute it.

Impulse Control

Because you wouldn't want to give into all of those impulses, right?

Logical thinking

If all of our decisions were based purely on emotions, We probably would make a lot more mistakes in life! Our prefrontal cortex helps us think logically. So we can make smarter decisions.

Organized thinking

Allows you to think in a more organized manner. Imagine if your thinking jumped around all over the place, and it was a big disorganized mess? It would be hard to figure out your needs at the time. Your prefrontal cortex helps with this. People with ADHD have this issue as well.


Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for aspects of your personality, and whether your at risk for certain mental problems or issues in the future.

Risk Management

We probably wouldn't be very good at surviving without this one. Our ability to manage risks and decide what could potentially harm us is important.

How To Promote Healthy Brain Development

There are things that you can do everyday to help with your brain development. Such as,

  • Education
  • Excercise
  • Meditation
  • Sleep
  • Socialization
  • Supplements, Such as fish oil and multi vitamins.

I upgraded my badges! Some of them are a little early! But I know I'm going to have them soon :)

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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