Why You Are A Failure!!


Are you struggling to figure out why life never works out for you? A lot of people feel powerless to make changes in their life, And surprisingly you can make dramatic changes with little effort.

Stop Trying To Control Everybody/Everything

This is something I need to work on; Sometimes there are things in life that are completely out of our control.
Like whether it's going to rain today, Or if you're going to get a response to the text message you just sent.

We tend to stress out too much over things we have no control in. Like maybe a family member is making stupid decisions that can affect you or themselves down the road.
WE need to stop trying to control everything; Sure we can offer our advice. But when it comes down to it, We should spend our precious energy on those things that we actually CAN control.
You wasting your energy and stressing out over the stuff you can't control only hurting you. It also hurts your relationships. No One likes to feel "controlled." It's like instinct; We are programmed to want control. Control makes us feel good; It makes us feel powerful and desired. But we can't always expect to have it.

Stop Being a Perfectionist.

I Wish you could see my article as I type it right now. Everything is a mess; Things are spelled wrong. Things are capitalized in weird places.
But guess what? I don't' care; I can "polish" it when I'm done.
So many people focus on doing everything so perfectly the first time. You'll NEVER be perfect. There will always be some minor flaw in your work, no matter how meticulous you are. Sometimes its better to Make things "really good." When you go for that impossible "Perfect" title, you are setting yourself up for failure. You also will never obtain it, Which will hurt your self-esteem and you'll never feel good about anything that you do "well."

Open your mind!

So many people have a closed mind. It's like the people on Facebook who are too scared to join Steemit.
I wouldn't have joined steemit either if I kept my mind closed.
Often we like to stick with habits and our way of being so closely that we never have a chance to even taste success.
Sucess is growing and developing yourself, And to grow you need that open mind.

Don't Expect Overnight Sucess

So many people these days feel entitled to automatic success. They give up because they don't see it happen right away. This is a harmful behavior Because often the best opportunity of your life is something that continually needs to be worked on.
I've been writing on Steemit for almost a year now! I didn't gain traction overnight. You could argue that the community was smaller and so I was more visible. Which is true! But it still took a lot of hard work and experimenting, To see what work and what doesn't to start gaining that momentum.
A good way to make yourself feel better about how fast you're getting "success" is looking for groups on Facebook or other social media sites, and interact with the people who are working towards the same things you are. Don't just look at the news; They only show the best people. And some people "Get Lucky" or "Have more experience" so they can gain traction faster than others.

Although don't go too crazy with "comparing." Everyone's life is different, and not everyone has the same pathway to success. Just use it to give yourself a benchmark so you can effectively make goals that you can achieve.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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