Why You Should ALWAYS Time Yourself While Working!

womens-day-2147233_960_720.jpg as setting one of those cheap ass kitchen timers! Preferably one of those cute, obnoxious ones that make a loud buzzing sound when they are done.
Like this cutie!

The Benefits of timing yourself

Timing yourself increases productivity. I don't remember where I heard this from, But Work will fill the amount of time you give it.
So if you think " I will do all my household chores today." There is a good chance you'll spend all day doing household chores; you'll procrastinate, You'll do other things. But you won't feel fully productive.
But if you say "I will spend 1-hour doing household chores" You will be more likely to run around very quickly doing as much as you can to get the maximum amount done in that hour.
Sometimes I've done this tactic, And was surprised...
The tasks I gave myself hours to do, Only took around 40 minutes to do. I was able to then use that time to accomplish my other goals!

You Will Know EXACTLY How Long things Take

Think about a lot of the tasks you often do. How Long do they take for your to complete?
An hour? Two hours? Do you know exactly how long? Or just an estimate?
I used to "guess" that it took 50 minutes to clean my rabbit cages. But I later found out it took 25. That's a big difference.
By knowing exactly how much things take you can give yourself a better To-Do list, and you won't have to beat yourself up when you don't complete every task, or when you get everything done fast, And you have a lot of day left you don't know what to do with.

You'll also know when you are being overloaded by your job Or responsibilities. So at that point, you can easily start "Telling People "NO." This will create stronger relationships because they'll see you as someone who always goes through with their word.

Use the POMODORO Technique to get a variety done!

The Pomodoro technique involves you setting a timer for 20 minutes, doing as much as you can in that time, Then taking a 5-10 minute break, Then doing it over again Or starting a new task. By doing this, you will increase your productivity. During the 5-10 minute break, you can grab a snack, Do some pushups or walk around. This break allows you to mentally disconnect so you can do your work for a longer period of time!
I find myself getting burned out fast! When I use the Pomodoro tactic, That constant refresh helps keep me going all day!

Timing yourself has awesome benefits! If you don't already do that, You should start.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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