Why You Should NEVER Guilt Yourself!


Guilt is a feeling we all sometimes have, and It creeps up on us! But is it something that can be used for good?

It takes Up Mental Space

Guilt is like being sick with something, It's stuck with you, and it sits and absorbs your whole world. How are you supposed to make yourself or the people whom you hurt feel better If you are too overwhelmed with guilt? It will distract you from your overall goals of making things right.

It Makes you feel bad about yourself!

Sometimes this is a good thing If you wrongly hurt someone else. If you didn't feel bad, it might mean that you do not care.
But when you feel bad about yourself. Like maybe you're on a diet, And you ate an extra slice of pizza, If you beat yourself up over it, Whereas, If you were to remind yourself that you can do better tomorrow, And you remember all the progress you made, You are more likely to continue with better spirits. But beating yourself up over that slice of pizza, Is just going to make you more likely to give up in the long term. It will be a type of self-sabotage. Sometimes that self sabotage is more of whatever you were guilty about in the first place.

Happiness Increases Productivity

When you are happy and feel good you are more likely to be productive. and proactive about fixing the issue you made! So don't make yourself feel extremely guilty over things, Instead address the issue!

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