Why You Should Take COLD Showers!

You don't realize how much damage you're doing to yourself when you take a warm or hot shower.

Great for Skin And Hair!

Cold Showers are surprisingly good for your skin and your hair!
Hot Water can dry your skin out! It also can dry out your hair.
When the cold water touches your skin it seals your pores; It causes them to contract. Which is great after shaving to prevent razor bumps! Although with shaving warm water is good to help open your pores so you can get a closer shave.

If you just colored your hair, Washing it in cold water can prevent the hair color from coming out.

Wakes You Up In The Morning!

If it's before bed, It's probably not a good idea to take a cold shower, But a cold shower can help you wake up in the morning!
It can give you an extra boost in energy to go about your day!

Improves Circulation

It can help keep you looking younger, Having good circulation is important for many reasons. It's great for cardiovascular health.
If you work out a lot and are sore, This can help you with that as well! It will speed up your recovery time.

How Do I Start!?

Many of us can't handle immediately going straight to cold water. So A great way to adjust, Is to alternate. Make the water warm, After a few minutes, Make the water cold! That way you'll gradually get used to it, Instead of being overwhelmed all at once.
This variation in temperature also helps with circulation! Your body will have to try and warm it's self up!

It Saves Money!

Unless you love the coldness of the water, The cold shower will encourage you to hurry up! You'll use less water by taking shorter showers!
Also, you'll save money on your heating bill Because you don't require heated water.

You don't have to take a cold shower every day to see the benefits! But it's worth a try! If you end up liking it, You may never go back!

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