Why You Should Write More!

Why You Should Write More!

Writing is a hobby that not everyone has. Which is quite shocking. Throughout our education, we are expected to write papers, essays and everything else. When we leave school, we don't write as often. Our habit often stops.
Why should you pick up your habit of writing again?
Are there benefits to being a writer?

It Eliminates Stress

We all deal with stress sometimes! The bad thing about stress is it can have negative health benefits if we are under too much stress.
Did you know that writing can help eliviate the stress that we are experiencing? The nice thing about writing, There are no limits! You can write all day long.
And write about anything. It's a great way to express yourself.
You can write to other people, Or write to yourself. Or even keep a journal.


It helps you gain awareness

We have so much going on in our brains at every given moment, How do you expect to make positive choices, If your brain is constantly clouded? With writing, you don't have to live in a clouded state. You can write down your to-do list of the day, That has been stressing you out, and often your to-do list is much easier than you expected. Seeing it on paper will also allow you to tackle it efficiently.
Sometimes life situations are spontaneous and incredibly confusing to navigate. Writing it down allows you to see it from another view, Sometimes making it easier for you to dissect.

Sometimes thing may not be as bad as you expect.


Just like getting rid of stress, Writing can help you be happier in life!
It allows you to get out the bad.
Writing is like having a best friend who will listen to you all day long. Who never goes to bed, Or leaves. You can tell your journal everything! It makes it easier for you to be happy in life when you express yourself.

Helps you Learn & Remember things

It has been proven that writing something down enhances your memory. It also allows you to learn easier. So if you read a book and take notes, Read an article and take notes. You are more likely to remember by taking notes; you can also use those notes for other purposes as well.


Writing is a habit everyone should have and develop. With Steemit we can all practice our writing! While earning a bit of extra money.
Writing has so many benefits. Anyone who doesn't write is truly missing out.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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