You NEED To Exfoliate Your Skin!

Many of us don't exfoliate enough, As a result, We have dry skin patches. Ingrown hairs, And other undesirable things on our bodies. Many skin problems can be fixed with some exfoliating!

Helps Remove those dead skin cells!

We have a lot of dead skin cells that are clogging our pores and making our skin dry and flaky. With exfoliating, we can remove those dry skin cells to leave our skin, soft and clean.

Prevents Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are those hairs that don't come out of the surface of your skin, They grow back into your skin, Sometimes causing a pimple like thing. These hairs can cause scarring overtime! And look bad. I
If you try and shave them off, You'll just cut your skin open. And you'll end up with scars. This is the mistake I made as a teen; I keep getting ingrown hairs on the back of my legs. I grabbed a shaving razor and tried to shave them off. But I failed everytime, Eventually, i cut up my skin bad, I now have awful scars!

If you get an ingrown hair, you'll have to remove it carefully.
Exfoliating can help prevent the ingrown hairs; It removes any dirt Or dead skin that is blocking the hair from growing out of your skin. Sometimes if the hairs are near the surface, They can be removed by gently exfoliating!

Men tend to get these on their face Because it's regularly shaved. While women can get them anywhere on their body that they shave. People with course, Thicker hair tend to get the ingrown hairs more often! Or if you have naturally curly hair.

What To Use!

There are tons of products to help you exfoliate. Depending on the types of skin and hair you have, You may need something more or less course.
Note: Avoid any scrubs with beads in them, They are VERY BAD for the environment. The little plastic beads get back into the ocean and fish eat them, You later eat that plastic when you have a fish dinner!

Dry Brushes!

I love dry brushes They are gentle But so effective! They are also quite cheap! I recommend this one; It's the one I've been using for years and have had great results.

Click on the photo if you want to buy it on Amazon
With dry brushing, You have to be very careful; You brush your skin towards your heart. You put almost no pressure on the brush, and you gently go in circulator motions. This not only removes dead skin, And makes your skin soft. But it also improves your circulation.

Clay Masks

When I think of clay masks I think more of using them on my face, But they really can be used wherever you want.
Clay masks are applied to the skin wet, You usually can use apple cider vinegar for better results, Or Use water with the clay.
As the clay dries, it hardens and dries out. This causes stuff to be pulled from your pores, As well as your dead skin removed.
This is the brand I use personally
Note: your face may be a bit red for about an hour after using. So just wait it out!

Sugar And Salt Scrubs

There are a lot of great sugar and salt scrubs out there!
They deep scrub your skin for a nice result!
Some of them have extra oils like coconut or shea that will moisturize your skin after you use it.
Others may not have those oils, So you'll need to moisturize after using them.
I perfer the salt scrubs because they exfoliate a bit more. But you can use the sugar ones too!

Shower Gloves!

If you are looking to replace your loofah! I enjoy using gloves to scrub my skin in the shower.
These gloves are cheap And effective!

Also easy to travel with. You can use them with your favorite body soap.


Exfoliating isn't hard! But when overlooked our skin won't look as good as it could. Exfoliating can prevent a lot of skin problems you have! Just make sure to moisturize after exfoliating, Sometimes your skin can be dried out a bit after using them.

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