Have you listened to your gut today?


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The most powerful tool of a mind is also the most dangerous.

Our conviction to push through all odds is our best ally.

Sadly, when our perceptions, beliefs and truths are not first sieved with wisdom....that conviction, no matter how false, consumes us to push to the finish line ....no matter how disasterous.

But how does one know? It is hard sometimes when we want what we want, and paint the world in such a way it concurrs with our "beliefs" and our perceptions.

The truth is, nothing is permanent, not even our conviction. If we have to tell ourselves "we must", "we have to", "we should".....we become slave to an idea. Believe it or not, our moral compass for the most part can actually function well without a die hard idealistic doctrine.

Sure, discretion and wisdom ought to be exercised, but I like to assume we are all mature adults here, so to say that seems rather redundant.

When we let go of that conviction, and trust in something FAR more powerful.....DIVINITY has a way of entering -- if only we are willing to listen.

Yesterday, I was tired and hungry, I just wanted to go home. But a very soft but clear voice said attending this Yoga class would do me good. Ignoring and entertaining that notion would have been easier... and I was rather upset following through with it as i sat in traffic heading away from the comfort of home....all the way till I arrived at the doorstep. Then everything changed, and I was fine, everything literally diaappeared ...and the day ended with such a high.

It takes practice and discipline to listen to an inner wisdom that doesn't always seem like the best (easiest) move....but if we are willing to admit our falability, be ok with looking silly or just entertain a wildly impossible thought...we sometimes find ourselves in trajectories we never thought possible.

When was the last time you listened to your gut that seemed like the worst idea....but a part of you knew it was the right thing to do ..and went for it?

Do share.

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