If Truly I Had Eyes That See

If Truly I Had Eyes That See

image created on canva.com

If I spied with my little eye
And saw your tiny flaw
I am blind by my very eyes
That strip beauty to it's very bones

But, if I spied truly hard
With all my might and all my heart
Perhaps I could truly see
Past all the scars
Through all the years
And find deep down inside
You and I
We're the same

I can't ignore it
No matter how hard I try
I see shadows of an invisible cloak
Around my heart
To hide under
Peer out into the world
And wonder
Why can't I fit?

Not with my eyes
Not with my heart
Not even with my skin
Or these papers and cards

If only I could rip off this cloak
Beyond my skin
Beyond my face
Beyond a tiny perceived heartache
That has yet to take place

Perhaps just then
I might truly see
Who we truly are
Not through our smiles
Polite gestures
Or simple hello's
But through our souls
From long long ago

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