Is Leadership an Outward Reflection OR an Inward Journey?


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I was just wondering on this in reflection of the recent posts. If someone asked me if I was a leader my honest response would be NO.

So what qualifies me to talk about it, well in truth nothing.

But do I strive to be my best version! Absolutely! Without a doubt.

Does that make me a leader?
Perhaps not!

Do I believe in the the qualities of leadership? Definitely .

Would I lead anyone?
Not a soul!

There is only one to be led

To inspire Or Be Inspired
Is not for one to seek
Simply let serendipity speak

Do share what your personal thoughts are on the topic down below!

Author's Note: Hello Steemians! You had been warned of my love for Haiku's. And yes, it only took 2 weeks before I broke out in one.

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