Why motivational quotes are driving me nuts

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Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love motivational quotes, videos, memes, GIFs...you name it... If it's uplifting, I'm all over it. In fact, truth be told I am one who regularly writes such haiku's. Don't be surprised if you find me penning out a whole bunch of them in the near future. It's what keeps the romance of life alive in me.

But lately, I find myself with a hollow feeling or sometimes even a little testy irritation on the inside. Not directed at anyone in particular, but just that it is TIME to ACT on it and share our experiences from the said motivation. Basically - walking the walk.....and not just talking the talk.

Again, I'm not directing this at anyone....if anything....it is at myself. I'm always asking myself hey....have I done this today....or did I try applying this in life today?

What I also find hugely fulfilling to read is actual experiences of going out there on a limb or taking that bold step! Like a friend whom I saw today is running for Congress! Like wow!!! That takes courage. Or someone who puts so much effort into sharing their time so selflessly.

It helps me stay real and keep trying, and when I mess up or forget, then I love receiving that gentle....or sometimes not so gentle reminder from the Universe saying....hey remember compassion, or empathy etc etc.

And I know that if I am feeling this way, surely a large portion of society is feeling the same.

I know I'm at the bottom of the food chain here with almost zero influence. But I really do want to hear some real life experiences of steemians with some touching, inspirational or motivational stories.

You may think stopping to help someone cross a road may be banal....but do just share a word, a thought or a feeling of that day. Maybe noticing how they walked....or what you wondered about them....or even how their voice or face reminded you of a loved one.

I just want us all to help remind each other not by our words....but by our experiences....our actions. :)

Don't worry, this isn't a bragging session about who is the best Samaritan. It is about that humbling moment when you take that time to notice life, get involved without judgement and basically have that tender moment connecting at a level that you never thought possible or just didn't realize could take you there.

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Did you go out of your way to be nice to someone who was rude? How were you as a driver today? Did your smile make a stranger smile back?

Let's spread some joy in the world, looking forward to glimpse at these moments and even ride a little feel good wave off your experience.

Thank you.

Note: It is with great trepidation that I post this, as I'm not sure what the social etiquette is around an invitation such as this.

Please do feel free to give me some tips and feedback as I am still learning here.

Looking up to some fellow steemians who have carved the trail @bitrocker2020, a very generous information sharer @maverickfoo , a supportive curation team @curie and @elizacheng for inspiring new ideas.

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