How to remember names and faces ?



How to remember names and faces ?

We all know how embarrassing it can be to forget someone's name. People are flattered when you remember it, for insulted when you don't. It gives out a message that they have made no impression on you at all.They don't exist for you and completely forgettable. Situation worsens if someone invariably ask you to introduce them to people you had only just met. Some people suggest to repeat the name time again or to use the name frequently while talking to person after you want introduced so you can remember it. It does work to some extent but it won't help you if you have a group of people with whom you are introduced. Luckily I have some important tricks up using which you can never fear an introduction and you won't forget to name again. This whole concept depends on four points which are focus, file, picture, and review.


You shake somebody's hand and two minutes later you don't remember then you. It's not because you have a bad memory but because you were not listening at all. So, next time you walk towards somebody get in a habit of asking yourself a question time in again what is their name ? What is their name ? This will help you focus on the person.




Whenever you store a data written on a paper or on computer you store it in a file. So next time you want to face the same data you open the file and access it. Likewise your brain needs the file to retrieve that mean. So, we need to select a file on people's face to remember their name. Files are basically the landmarks and locations on their face. For example, you might meet someone with big eyes then their eyes becomes the file or maybe you meet someone with bald head and this distinguishing feature becomes your life or location where you wanna go back while retrieving memory.




Mostly people remember a face but they don't remember anything because they saw the face and as we know visual memory is more powerful. So, what that means is we need to create a picture for name so that when you hear that name, the associated picture comes to your mind.


At the end of the day or in the morning next day try to review all new people you met last day and their distinguishing feature and then forming images to retrieve their name and once you choose an image for a name that image serves life time for the name. So, next time you meet a person keep in mind these four points. Look for what stood out in their face instead of repeating their name to memorize. Always remember it comes perfect with practise initially you might be to remember just four or five names but it will latter increase with time. There are many more efficient techniques to remember names but they are quite complicated.



Thank you so much for reading my post. Please stay tuned for more.


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