The SHOCKING TRUTH about Beaches in China! *PHOTOS* | You Need to See This...

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Perhaps you have heard the horror stories about beaches in China? Are they true? Do all beaches in China look like this?


Yuck! One of the worst places to be is in a crowded beach. Garbage, people and dirty water are ubiquitous!

That's why I would like to show you a place in China that isn't so sought-after among tourists (because it isn't very well-known). The beach is located in my favourite city in China: Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province!

The beaches are generally situated in a district of the city known as Beidaihe (北戴河), which means "North Honour River."

beidaihe stone.jpg

Chinese used to be written from right to left. That's why 北戴河 looks backwards.


Peitaiho... It should say Beidaihe. Gotta love Chinglish haha

But how does it match up with other beaches around China?

Well, I thought you'd never ask!
The beaches here are actually quite remarkable for China. Prior to embarking on my journey to China, I had a preconceived notion that beaches in China will probably all be filthy but to my surprise, this one is actually quite nice. You see, the city of Qinhuangdao is not so popular because it is a small city (by Chinese standards). Generally speaking, only local Chinese people or Russians from eastern Russia will visit this city during the summer time. With a population of less than 3 million and a handful of Russian people here, it doesn't get too crowded during peak times.

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Not too bad, eh?

The sand is pretty clean; not much litter around and the water is clear!

Here's something you should know: many Chinese people can't or won't swim. As a result, the water is never too crowded because most Chinese people just prefer to sit on the sand (and hide their delicate white faces from the sun to prevent tanning lol).


Nobody swimming! More water for me!

Generally speaking, people just like the pretty scenery and taking photos. Near the beach, there is a platform where people take pictures and selfies to share with their friends. Forget about actually swimming! That's too much work for most of them hahah.


I was recently shooting photos and taking videos of the beach and wanted to capture some photos of the lovely people in the area. The people in the top photo are actually from Sichuan province but were visiting on a business trip.

Dispersed around the beach are various shops that sell typical souvenirs like seashell necklaces and beads, while the restaurants in this vicinity specialize in seafood dishes. Prices are a little high but what do you expect in a tourist location?


Due to the large Russian tourist population, shops and restaurants usually display their signs in Chinese and Russian!


Top Photo: Russian Food Shop/Restaurant. Bottom Photo: A Russian style bar.

This place is also an extremely popular spot for wedding photos. Every time I come to this beach, I can find newlyweds posing for the camera atop the boulders.


What more is there to say? The beach in Qinhuangdao is quite nice. If you ever find yourself in Qinhuangdao for some reason, come check out this beach!

Thanks for reading!

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