"The Asian Zone"

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The surface, which connects between the various lands, is, of course, that blue surface. Salty, and more barren than desert. Not infrequently, that surface turns like a monster's fist, punching anything on it.The wind that blows there, it could be a mace of terror that can knock something into debris scattered, and remove it from life in total.

We may imagine all that is beautiful and romantic about the blue surface, but it will never get rid of that frightening reality.

Therefore, there must be people who are very brave to face it all.They are also very intelligent and meticulous.

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We who live in the archipelago are well aware of it all, because, we ourselves are proof of the existence of those brave people. We who live in the archipelago are well aware of it all, because, we ourselves are proof of the existence of those brave people. Without courage, as they have, we too will be isolated from continental land, and maybe we have ended our time long ago.

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But all of that - courage, intelligence, precision, and spirit of adventure - indeed, have been inherited from one generation to another. I see them now as fishermen exploring the sea to search for fish herds. Even they did not hesitate to name one of their fishing boats with Zona Asia, the Asian Zone. I will understand it as a claim that indeed, they are able to "play" here and there in the "water basin" within the Asian Region. It's just the territorial rules that limit their movement.But even though they are still sea explorers of the sea explorers.

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I dedicate this article to @curiesea. With all due respect.

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