Digging Deeper... Trash is for Tossers - 2 Steps to a Zero Waste Lifestyle PART 3 (+ FINAL Fundraiser Update)

I am continually evaluating my actions and asking myself questions in order to further my personal development. So far, I’ve spent the most time contemplating Lauren Singer’s evaluation questions about Zero Waste.

The second question was:“Why am I even interested in decreasing my impact? Is it for the environment, is it to decrease toxins in my life, is it to decrease clutter, is it because i’m totally broke and want to save money?”

The answer I found was much more personal and philosophical than I originally expected. Yes, I want to develop a more sustainable lifestyle for the above reasons - less clutter, less waste, less spending, more value, more appreciation, more nature…

However, the main reason I want to change myself is because I have severe depression. My mind suffers from numbing apathy even though I care deeply about the world around me. I will only feel satisfaction and validation when I think I’ve left the world a better place. I feel my existence will mean something if I leave a mark.

But like I said in my introductory post:

“While I can certainly make an impact, I cannot shoulder the weight of the world. I cannot and I will not take that responsibility. I can only change and improve myself… and my world.”

So in order to leave this world a better place, I must become a better person. In order to leave a lasting mark, I must achieve more. In order to feel the satisfaction of a life fully lived, I will continue with this personal development journey.

THAT is why I am interested in decreasing my negative impact… and why I will continue to strive every day to make a positive impact instead.

P.S. I’m very disappointed to announce that our first fundraiser of selling “Full Steem Ahead!” t-shirts has ended and we did not meet our goal. The print minimum for this fundraiser was 10 shirts; we only sold 2 so both individuals will receive a full refund.

I am disheartened but this is just one small setback. We will continue moving forward and running fundraisers in the future! I hope that as we continue to gain steam (pun intended) and followers, we will be able to accomplish more!


Part 1
Part 2

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Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.

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