How Accessibility Affects Human Behavior AKA Setting Ourselves Up For Success

Recently, I’ve been nibbling on some not-so-healthy snacks and spending a bit too much time binging tv shows. Stuffing yet another chip in my mouth, I paused and took stock of my cupboards & tables. My home is filled with items that no longer match the lifestyle I wish to live - my normal, daily routine no longer embodies my values. This led me to consider how accessibility affects behavior and how one can set themselves up for either success or failure before even beginning a journey of personal development.

A fine line

I believe there is a fine line between laziness and ingenuity. All creatures, not just humans, look for the simplest method to achieve their goals. It’s what causes the lion to prey upon the old, weak, and injured instead of the hale and healthy. It’s why the discovery of fire, which cooked our meals and provided greater caloric benefits, caused us to evolve as a species. It’s what changed us from hunter-gatherers to settled farmers and it is what causes us to continue innovating progressive technology and improved transporation. Who wouldn’t choose the path that requires less effort yet leads to equal (if not greater) results?!

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” - Bill Gates


But sometimes taking shortcuts is not the best choice. The ease of accessibility is what causes students to copy/paste on an essay. It’s what causes the “litterbug” to drop trash on the walkway instead of in the trashcan ten steps away and the dieting individual to reach for pre-packaged snacks instead of cooking a meal.

It’s what causes us to use products that are detrimental to the earth and our bodies in the long run… but are just so easy to reach for.

Looking around my home, I realized how easy it is to set yourself up for success or failure simply by what you surround yourself with. I think that’s why so many people avoid earth-friendly and/or healthy practices… because they’re not “avoiding” them, they are simply not as readily available. Instant gratification is our greatest weakness.

How can we better set ourselves up for success from the very start? Comment below!

Follow @kiaraantonoviche

Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.

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