Mapping Out My Ideal Future - Concrete Steps of Personal Development & Growth

Where I’m Going

I’ve spent a lot of time on my computer lately using Ecosia (check my previous article) to research the overwhelming amount of information and suggestions for improving my life. My mind is overloaded and I hardly know where to start, but I refuse to let this paralyze me into a form of inaction!

I’ve already stated that change is never easy… that’s why diets fail and New Year’s resolutions fade away. A lifestyle is something that must be cultivated with determination and habits are something that must be practiced. That is why I am choosing to start small and gradually work my way towards greater things! So here is a map leading towards my ideal future!

As I explained in my introductory post, I would like to cultivate a minimalistic lifestyle, incorporate a Zero Waste* way of life, follow a vegetarian diet, and eventually begin a sustainable and eco-friendly homestead. The journey forward begins now!

I hope to get to the homestead property soon but as the specific date is unclear, I am going to focus on preparing myself.

I will begin my diet change by cutting out red meat (mammals) and replacing it with other protein options. I will still eat poultry and fish for the foreseeable future. I plan on starting a recipe series that explores a whole new world of food & cooking so stay tuned!

I will begin my Zero Waste lifestyle by researching the best method(s) for composting. I plan on incorporating this habit into my daily life and writing an article about it as well.

I will begin my eco-friendly / minimalistic lifestyle by using healthier products and creating a product spotlight series for sustainable, local, and/or organic alternatives to our materialistic societal norms. Essentially, I want to cut back on my desire for more things and focus on the quality of the items instead.

I’m very excited to start this journey and share it with you all!

What habits for personal growth/ development would you like to cultivate?

Follow @kiaraantonovich

*Zero Waste is a philosophy or way of life that aims to change the life cycles of products so that all things are reused and nothing is sent to the landfill.

Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.

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