Where Are We Going & How Do We Get There? Future Plans for Wild Rose Acres - Steem Powered Homestead

As I stood in the midst of the forest yesterday surveying my family’s land and imagining a future homestead, I became overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the project we are about to begin. But before the feeling could paralyze me into inaction, I decided to start from the beginning and lay the foundation of a plan in place. Before we can move forward, we must know what a Steem funded homestead looks like, what it entails, and most importantly, how to get there.

Why a homestead?

Living a simplistic, natural lifestyle has always interested me. The work is straightforward and makes sense to me - as I explained in my introductory post, I want to make the world a better place by changing my actions and beliefs. Instead of shouldering the weight of the world and taking responsibility for all of humanity, I will simply be taking responsibility for my world and my actions. Creating a sustainable homestead that helps the world instead of harming it is my ideal vision for the embodiment of this belief. No one can really argue with the benefits of planting plants and wasting less!

What does this homestead look like?

This is an interesting question because the only limit we have is our own lack of creativity and/or determination. We can create any type of homestead we desire! To paint a picture in the simplest of terms, I want to create a homestead that reduces the amount of harm in the world. We can provide a small semblance of balance between the negatives and positives by giving back to the earth, wasting less while reaping more, and living in harmony with nature and its’ inhabitants.

And that means…
Eventually, I would like a fully functional and self sustaining homestead that I can dedicate 100% of my time and effort towards. This means growing most of my own food with a large garden(s), orchard, and greenhouse. It also (hopefully) includes livestock and rescued animals, perhaps starting small with rabbits and chickens… and maybe even beekeeping! I also hope to produce the electricity of the homestead through sustainable means one day - maybe with solar panels or a waterwheel in the creek nearby. If the homestead gains enough momentum, we could even begin making our own products (soaps and such) and making them available for purchase. 

How cool would it be to watch the creation of a homestead from the beginning and then being able to benefit from and actually use the fruits of our labor?!

How do we begin?

In the short time I have been a part of Steemit, I have witnessed the immense support of the online community and what it can accomplish. That’s why I believe we are a group of people that can imagine and create a Steem powered homestead.

What do I mean by Steem powered?
Simple! I will continue to share my journey of personal development as well as the creation of Wild Rose Acres on this blog in order to use the rewards of each article to further its’ enhancement. Time invested in Steemit means time invested towards our goals. All of the Steem reward generated by this account will be powered up while the SBD reward will be used to further the creation of the homestead - aka the purchase of plants, animals, equipment, etc.

How can we all get involved?
Upvote! Comment with ideas and advice! Follow the progress of this exciting journey! Remember that every bit of Steem and SBD generated goes straight back into the homestead. This is a communal effort - I will be the hands of the operation physically tilling the earth and planting the crops but you all will be the driving force behind me!

For more direct involvement, donations of Steem/SBD will also be accepted. Would you like to invest in certain crops, flowers, or animals? What would you like to see at the homestead? Heck, even naming of future livestock can be voted on! However, until we get to that point, we will be working together on certain projects so all crowdfunding support will go towards these specific endeavors!

Current funds raised (via rewards) as of May 29, 2017 = approx. $32 SBD

Let’s do this!

I am so excited to see where this journey takes us! I am sure it will take time and extreme effort, but I am willing to try if you are willing to come with me! In the next few articles we will explore our first project(s) and discuss our future potential.

What do you think? Would you like the be involved with and watch the creation of Wild Rose Acres - our Steem supported homestead? Let me know in the comments below!

Thank you again for all of the continued support! I hope to continue writing articles worthy of your time and attention!

*Edit: Since the location is privately owned by multiple family members, physical visits and assistance is impossible but that's why I chose to share the journey on Steemit so people could help virtually! Thank you!

Follow @kiaraantonoviche

Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.

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