Learning to smile in the midst of impossibility.

There are times when smiling can be impossible and no matter how you try, you will just keep frowning. The pains and challenges of life drives many to really uncomfortable and hard places that makes it impossible to generate a smile.

Smiling is good, and not being able to smile can really be a terrible feeling. If you are not smiling, then you are frowning and when you are frowning, the wrinkles will start kicking in.
So how do you manage a smile in the midst of the impossibility occasioned by life itself?
There are steps that will help, so sit back, relax and take your time to learn ways to force a smile and drive the frown away.


  • Retrieve those happy memories.- Thinking of happy moments is one way that helps you break out into a smile. Whenever you are pressed hard to smile, one of the best way to get your smile back is by going into your mind and retrieve from your memory vault, those happy moments.

  • Turn on your playlist.- There is something about the human mind and that is the ability to keep memories in bits and fragments. There are times when you may need to get into your playlist; Yes, your playlist and retrieve that particular soundtrack that nostalgically nudges your mind. When you are able to get that tune playing in your mind, you will be able to get yourself back into smiling and away from frowning.

  • Practice your smile.- This is one very effective way to smile in that time when smiling is impossible. It is a win win when you are able to parctice your smile and you can use these steps:-

Use the mirror.Checking yourself in front of the mirror and striking a smile every now and then will help you get into the motions of smiling and being able to confidently get into the motion even in the most impossible periods.
Take a selfie. We are in the age of the selfie and everybody takes selfies. So to practice your smiling skills, taking a selfie to see how your smile turns out is an excellent to overcome the frowns.
Exercise your smile. Exercise your smile like you would your body and you will surely have an amazing result. You can start by stretching your lips to both sides with your mouth closed and try making your teeth show. Doing this will help you strengthen your facial muscles that will help your smile pop at will.
Feel confident. this here is another way you can practice your smile and get good results. Feeling you are in control makes it possible for your face to show that same confidence through your smile. You will never be able to transmit a tired confidence into a healthy smile until you boost your confidence.

  • Use your imagination.- Using the imagination plays a major role in being able to push out a healthy smile in the midst of difficulty. It helps to create a kind of fantasy in your mind that will help you discover a better part of your being.

Smiling is healthy for the human body and it helps us overcome the most shocking and devastating pressures. It may be a tough day at work or even at home with the kids or family and friends and no matter how hard you try to psych yourself, it may just be impossible to do anything.
So try these steps outlined above and see yourself becoming the master of your smile.

Hope these steps helps... Xoxo!

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