Moody Monday: Worried 7/10

Hey folks!

Welcome to Moody Monday, where I share how I am feeling today and invite you to do the same. Putting in authenticity?

Ok, here we go. Feeling a little vulnerable at sharing, but...


Today I am: Worried. Or maybe just concerned. Concerned and trying not to worry. 7 out of 10 on the happy meter. Or maybe just 6.5.

Here's the thing. I have this mole. No..please don't stop reading! I know, moles are gross. But we do get them and sometimes things go wrong with them and, if we never talk about it, we never learn from each other. Right?

So, sit down and listen to me talk about my mole! : D

The truth is, I don't like to think about this mole to begin with and I can get away with that because it is on my shoulder blade and easy to ignore. But lately it's been sore, maybe? And the centre might be getting darker? But it's hard to tell.

I made the mistake of asking the Amazing Dirk Galaxy to look at it for me and now he is insisting I get it checked out today. Which is completely the right thing and I am lucky to have a partner who loves me enough to help me to do this.

But I don't want to. Did I mention I'm not crazy about doctors and the whole allopathic medical system in general?

Nevertheless, I will go. Courage, poor Violet.

That's heavy for our first Moody Monday, I know, but that's what happens when you go authentic, man.

Now it's your turn. How will you complete the Moody Monday prompt?

Today I am:

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