Consciousness and Matter, our reality is a mass hallucination (featuring @njall as author)

"Cogito, ergo sum" – “I think therefore I am” said Rene Decartes.

Probably, it’s the most important and controversial issue, especially in the 21st century, the epoch of scientific advance and chaos of consumerism.
But let’s question ourselves: “Who argues?”
Most of the time, educated and uneducated classes argue, for sure they take opposite stands, but from the logic point of view it’s nonsense, how an uneducated person can argue with another one who devoted himself to this question? It’s not only stupid, but also it’s rather disrespectful to the science as well.

The problem is that some scientific discoveries are “inconvenient” to the modern consumer, they make the life more complicated, they pose new questions and demand to take an action, while it’s so nice to live in your own comfortable world where you don’t need to know anything but just relax and enjoy.
But let’s negotiate it now – we’re talking about scientific facts, there’s no “Like/Dislike”, if you don’t like a scientific fact then you’re pseudoscientific, that’s why at least try to google it, watch some documentaries or read several books before writing furious post about “pseudoscience”.
I understand that it breaks your stereotypes, make you concepts complicated, but I think that the truth is worth to be known and live with it.
I’m talking about science and facts, proved and objective facts.

Unfortunately, the most part of people doesn’t realize the importance of “consciousness” in everyday life, they support physiology and instincts, and they consider everything to be “heretical” except for the material body, some of them deny the significance of psychology as a science, anyway here’s the question: “What’s the real role of consciousness in our life? What is it and why should we know about it?

Let’s begin with the fact, that our perception starts with our consciousness, to be more precise, with the brain. Everything you see, hear, feel is not objective, it’s just subjective senses of our brain depending on our ability to perceive i.e. there are more possibilities to perceive the world than you could imagine. And the world you see is not the only real and right one, it’s just your subjective experience, and your world differs from your neighbor’s or colleague's one, only your opinions can be similar.
Scientists proved the spectrum of perceived electromagnetic wave is small; your sight is not the world, It’s just a little drop of it. Also it’s proved that our brain is able to perceive a wider spectrum, it all depends on extra and inner conditions, it deals not only to the sight, but to other senses too.

Modern discoveries of the quantum physics has “racked” brains of many scientists, there are many interesting books and videos on this topic, in short, quantum physics works according to different laws than the classic one! It ruins usual concepts of Einstein and Newton, and it makes our perception complicated, well, where’s something “racked” there can be built something new and more perfect.
One of the quantum physics laws is that the consciousness determines the physical reality.
I.e. an observer literally creates the direction and the form of quanta, it’s hard to believe but it’s a fact, recommend you to learn more about it. But the main message is that the consciousness is primary and fundamental!

So what do we have? We’ve an electromagnetic creature with a narrow-tuned receiver (brain) which perceive 5% of the universe (by the way, due to the tuning), moreover he perceives it rather subjectively, he’s able to cognize only 1% and most of the time he’s busy with satisfaction of the instincts, but at the same time he says authoritatively what the reality is, what can be and what cannot be, isn’t it funny?
I tell you more, even scientists don’t understand this reality, because science states observed facts, but not their causes, and we are about to get closer to the deep objective understanding of the Universe: dark matter etc.

That’s why the best behavior model is to accept that we know nothing and to be open to something new, to judge critically and objectively, the rest is just subjective models of mental concepts based on short life experience, and it cannot represent the whole picture of the world, but just a puzzle piece.
That’s why it’s important to come together and put our potential into cognition and development.
Thank you for your attention.

Viva la vida!

Attention: This post has been written by @njall

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