Chinese woman buys dogs at the festival of dog meat

In China, despite the protests, a festival of dog meat.

The tradition of eating the meat of dogs appeared in China about 400 years ago, it was believed that such sacrifice will drive away the summer drought and heat. But the festival of Chinese brutality perceive this event in a civilized society — appeared relatively recently. The first festival in the city Uline located in rural Guangxi province in the South of the country, was held on 21 June 2009. Since then, every year in the summer solstice and the next ten days in the city there is a mass slaughter of dogs and cats.

Cats also do not elude punishment. In numerous photos from the summer of Yulin shows that cats kept in large cages, where and then come the butchers and pick out an animal for slaughter.

Just look into the eyes of that poor cat!

Owners of Pets these days lock up the cats and dogs at home, as unattended animals become victims of thieves.

The international community demands from the Chinese authorities to ban the festival. In 2014, the Yulin government issued a statement declaring that they do not support the festival, but not prohibit it. Authorities have described the festival as a local tradition in which takes part a small part of the inhabitants of the city." The event organizers say that no cruelty when slaughtering animals is not permitted, and their use of meat as food is no different, essentially, from eating beef or pork.

Yearly in June in the city of Yulin in the West of China, a festival in honor of the summer solstice, on which slaughter and eat about 10 thousand dogs. This tradition of local support, however, not all residents of China. 

A former school teacher, Yang Xiaoyun organized a shelter for animals, which she buys from the organizers of the festival. In recent years, she spent about 160 million yuan for the rescue of 460 dogs and dozens of cats. 360 dogs she bought in 2014, and 100 dogs in 2015. 

For this she had to spend all your personal savings, but she began to help other people. Is Yang Xiaoyun, a 65 year old retired schoolteacher, kotoraya wants to stop the killing of dogs in China.

Every year, 10,000 dogs are eaten at the traditional Chinese festival of dog mea.

Not all Chinese love this. Many accuse the organizers of the festival of cruelty

In 2015 Jan I traveled 2,500 km to Yulin and spent 7,000 yuan ($1,100) to release 100 dogs from certain death

In this picture she is sitting next to the cage with the dogs, which she just bought from traders

The animal shelter, organized by former teacher, called the "Common house". In it live more than 1,000 dogs

Shelter volunteers help, he exists mostly on donations

Twice a day Yan Xiaoyun prepares steam the corn bread and feeding them to dogs - is that enough money

But when volunteers come, they always bring the animals tasty treats

Dogs get these treats once a week, if lucky

The consumption of meat of dogs and cats in China are gradually changing, but these traditions are rooted in antiquity and to get rid of them is difficult

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