Why do we tend to believe fake news?

Recently increased the number of fake online news. Some regions have begun to experience the real consequences of the impact of information "stuffing". Take, for example, the last presidential race in the United States. After one of the fake sources started the rumor about the involvement of the leader of the democratic party, Hillary Clinton for crime syndicate and abetting sexual slavery of a minor, one of the law-abiding citizens took up a gun and decided to deal with "gossip".

A man broke in one of the pizzerias, which, in his opinion, was engaged in blackening the good name of the democratic leader, and began to threaten them with violence. He wanted to get recognition, but came to the police station. Fortunately, this unpleasant episode, there were no casualties. However, the incident illustrates what a powerful impact on people can provide fake news.

In fact, it is not difficult to create fake news website, where the masses will be "stuffing". The authors of lunavista know human psychology. There are always gullible readers who will disseminate the necessary information on. As you can see, the fake news wouldn't be such a problem if all people avoided them. But if you don't want to fall for the media bait, you should be familiar with all the ins and outs of "digital virus". How is the spread of fake news?

Some experts tend to believe that in the current situation indirectly blame the vast information flow that endlessly pours on us online. People do not have time to monitor what is happening in the world, so interested in the information selectively. And then readers can expect the first pitfall. The positions of the various news sites can be diametrically opposed. When people have already formed their opinion about the issue one way or another he will be looking for confirmation of his theory. However, this only explains the concept of search political news. What about the rest of the information "stuffing"?

And here inexperienced readers will enjoy a second, more powerful caveat: they ignore the origin of the source of information. Shyam sander for two decades explored the question of consumption of online news and made for a striking conclusion. It is worth noting that this was enough for only a few experiments. It turned out that readers don't really care about the authority of the people, transmitting news. Thus, ignorance of online consumers and generates prosperity incompetent sources.

Fake news spread via the world wide web with most of its origins, but then, in the 80-ies, they were sent to email users. Now, in the heyday of social media, it is not necessary to create a special secret society. The abundance of different online platforms, politicians and stars of show business have direct access to millions of its subscribers. Fans believe their idols unconditionally, and they will never check the accuracy of the information and facts, taking all this at face value. Here we see the third big pitfall: celebrities are people too, they can get caught on a hook the spread of false information. If pass the news to fans, immediately start the viral distribution of a million reposts.

Expert Shyam sander is an employee of the University of Pennsylvania. In the 90 years he held a curious study, which was part of his thesis. It was the world's first experiment, which involved Internet news sources. The volunteers were divided into four groups, each of which were shown the same news, but with reference to different source. In one case it was supposedly the editors, in the other, independent sources that are selected by the computer, the third user news site, and fourth to other members, whose names were kept secret.

When volunteers were asked to evaluate news for accuracy, precision and objectivity, all participants made the same assessment, regardless of the source. A curious moment was the desire to read articles selected by your colleagues or other users of a news site. It's a lot puzzled the author of the experiment. He believed that people deem more competent editors of news sites, but the professionals gave way to "pop" even with random selection of machines. Thus, the more participants were inclined to ignore stories retold by editors, and was most focused on the news from ordinary people.

When in the course of entering the online news, we believe that they are a huge Agency with leaders and subordinates. However, the news has been republished with such speed that you will never have time to track the original. Even in the news in your social network you often see one of your friends shared news from politics, citing other sources. Here we see another pitfall: which of these resources is seen as responsible for the news feed? All secondary sources have already managed to obscure the identity of the source.

To resolve this issue tried by the students of Professor sander. They conducted a preliminary analysis of the competence of the news sites. For example, Yahoo News has earned them the highest rating of trust and the Drudge Report - the lowest. These sites have been known to frequently publish links to articles published elsewhere.

It turned out that readers pay attention to the source name only if the news is really important to them. In all other cases it does not matter the credibility of the web site. These can be links to friends, posted to repost news about a particular event on Facebook. Man is a social being, he will always be inclined to trust their friends more than to the editors of large sites. Thus, our cognitive filters are weakened, and the resources dedicated to the promotion of false stories, you get fertile ground for speculation.

Even more we tend to trust information if faced with it in our personal space (private channels). Thus, when users fill in your profile on the page of the portal, they have become targets for the distribution of unnecessary information. All this creates a false sense of security, and people stop questioning the credibility of the source, whose "stuffing" appeared in the news feed.

 image  img.fb.ru. source "нло-мир" 

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