My New York Trip

The Drive Up (Day 1)

We started our drive up and I decided I wanted to document the temperature in each of the states we went through.

I forgot to get the temperature in South Carolina where we (7:45pm) started but it wasn't big difference from this image from Belmont, NC.

By the time we got to Virgina the temperature had almost dropped to half of what it was of what we started. I wasn't looking forward to the temperature dropping more and more.

By time we hit West Virgina it had dropped another 10 degrees! How low could it go?!

Pennsylvania only dropped by 3 degrees. It was finally slowing down.

It was snowing when we got to New York and it was down to a rediculous 1 degree... I'm not a fan of the cold and cold to me is like 30.

We arrived around 9:30am and we were super tired from the drive up so we slept for several hours and then just hung around my girlfriends house for the rest of the day. It's amazing how exhausting it can me to sit on your ass for 13 hours ha ha. Her dad was happy to see his daughter and her dog Murphy too. Murphy was happy to get out of the car and was running around playing with his dogs.

The Tour (Day 2)

The next day Stephanie drove me around her home town and showed me where she went to school and hung out all of her life. I didn't take too many pictures of the town but I did get some decent ones as we were driving around and seeing the attractions.

This is us at Lake Cayuga. It looked like it was frozen for the most part. I was going to jump on it but Stephanie advised me not too. She's not just pretty, she's really smart too! But Lake Cayuga is one of the five Finger Lakes. They were made from glaciers scraping the ground as they moved. Here's one panoramic shot that I took before we moved the next spot.

We went to the Taughannock Falls State Park next. The waterfall there is the tallest single tier waterfall East of the Mississippi at 215 ft!

You can't tell from the picture but even though it was freezing, the waterfall hadn't actually frozen. We couldn't go to the bottom because of all the ice and snow. Safety First!

Here's a bit of information about the falls.

And here we are at the falls :)

Next spot we hit was Stephanie's college Ithaca College

She showed me around and where her dorm was and all the steps she had to climb. It was kind of ridiculous actually. They could use more escalators there!

Here we are looking over the town.

Here's a better picture of the town below. What a view!

I left our mark on the college before leaving :)

Next we went downtown Ithaca to visit some of the shops and find us a drink

I thought this was some great artwork that was painted on the side of one of the buildings down there.

I had the Three Heads Brewing Big Head Coffee Porter and she had the Grist Iron Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout. I liked her's better. This was at Kilpatrick's, they also had some really good wings and and excellent selection of liquor as you can see in the next picture.

More art that was at our parking garage.

Our thirst still wasn't quite quenched so we headed over the to the Ithaca Brewing Company

We ordered a flight to try out different kinds. I can't remember the names of them all from this one, sorry. They also had food options that smelled really great but I was too full to eat any of it.

At this point we had had enough delicious beer... Just kidding! We found more beer later in the night after a nap and some dinner!

This is the flight that we got at Prison City. They got the name because there is a maximum security prison in town. The walls are huge! I don't know how anyone could escape from that place.

Next stop was Moon Dogs for a few more beers before we hit our limit and went to Denny's to sober up... well I was already sober but I had to get the rest of them back to normal.

Sledding and Skaneateles(Day 3)

First thing we did was sledding on this day after getting some doughnuts from Wegman's

We weren't the only ones with the idea to go sledding at the local high school. It was a lot of fun not just for me but also watching all the others go sledding. It's also very tiring climbing that hill in the snow.

Click here to check out a video of me sledding, I got some good speed... too much speed in fact.

After we warmed up we went off to visit the town of Skaneateles and see the lake there.

Not many pictures were taken here but we visited a nice pub and got us some more craft beers before we went and had some pizza and visited her sister.

New Years Eve/Day/Going Back Home (Day 4/5)

First part of this day we went to the casino

I didn't gamble much, they gave me a card that $7 on it and that was gone in a matter of seconds. I don't like gambling, unless it's on an exchange with crypto. I let the girls go off and waste their money while I had a beer and watched football at the bar.

Our poor attempt at doing '18' with our fingers.

Here's the whole party crew bringing in the new year! We went home and to bed right after this because we didn't want to be up too late because we had to make the long drive back home.

Here's Murphy getting some air in the car. I don't know how he stands it because it was super cold. Just look at this next picture!

It actually got as low as -8 and our wiper fluid kept freezing over. It took forever to get out of the roads that weren't covered in snow.

Our good bye to the snow and last picture of the trip.

I hope you enjoy the pictures from our trip. It was a lot of fun and I'd recommend going, but maybe in the summer ha ha.

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