( 40 SBD GIVEAWAY) 🎉 🎉 🎉 1000+ FOLLOWERS! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! 感激大家的支持!我的追蹤者突破1000人了 ~

Hi Steemit Friends,


Hope you are doing good today. 🌞 First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of my followers and Steemit. I can't believe I reach another momentous milestone on Steemit with 1000+ followers in just three months. This won't be accomplished without your help. Within these three months, I have learned a lot through writing my posts and also reading from others. What's more, I pick up my old hobbies, drawing because of this platform. I feel so satisfied after finishing these art works and I enjoy share my drawing process with you.

Steemit的朋友大家好 🌞 首先,我想跟所有支持者說聲謝謝,感謝大家的支持和愛戴,不敢相信我已經有超過1000個追蹤人數了,這對我來說是一個重要的里程碑,對我在Steemit這個平台發展有重大的意義。這三個月內,我通過分享文章和閱讀其他人的文章學到很多,更因為這個平台重拾我舊日的愛好—畫畫,每次我完成這些作品,從中得到很大的滿足感。

Thanks to Steemit, I have met so many friends from Hong Kong, CN community and different part of the world. I am glad to meet you all and thanks for each of you who encourages me by upvoting and leaving comments on my posts.️ I won't grow that fast in this platform without each of your help. I am SUPER grateful to meet you guys in this platform.


Currently, I am writing these series and these are the latest post of them :P


  1. Explore Hong Kong with me 與我一起探索香港
    Explore Hong Kong with me #7- 帶大家去沙田鼎泰豐🌞 Din Tai Fung& New Town Plaza's exhibition

  2. Travel with Kris to the United States 美國遊記
    Travel with Kris to the United States #7 -San Diego Part 4 [美國聖地亞哥遊記 Part4]

  3. Learn to cook with Kris 跟Kris一起烹飪
    Learn to cook with Kris #6 :Grandma's cucumber pancake 【 跟Kris一起烹飪 #6:外婆家鄉水瓜烙】🌞

  4. Weekly Drawing competition 每週繪畫比賽
    Drawing Challenge#3+:Learn how to draw a strawberry with Kris 跟Kris一起畫草莓

Let's talk about the GIVEAWAY now. In order to join this game, please follow @krischy and upvote this post~ (Resteem is appreciated :P) 🎉 🎉 🎉

現在我們來說說怎麼參加SBD贈送遊戲,首先先follow @krischy和Upvote這篇文章。(順道Resteem就更好囉lol) 🎉 🎉 🎉

Question 1 - Guess what is my constellation? 我是什麼星座?

Each person has only one chance. Otherwise, you'll be disqualified
Answer the following questions by replying to "Question 1 Answering Section" comment.

  • 1st prize: 5 SBD x 1 winner
  • 2nd prize: 2 SBD x 2 winners
  • 3rd prize: 1 SBD x 6 winners


  • 1獎:5 SBD x 1 得獎者
  • 2獎:2 SBD x 2 得獎者
  • 3獎:1 SBD x 6 得獎者


Question 2- Guess which place I love most in my travel series?猜猜我分享的旅行系列中我最喜歡哪個地方?

Each person has only one chance. Otherwise, you'll be disqualified
Answer the following questions by replying to "Question 2 Answering Section" comment.

  • 1st prize: 10 SBD x 1 winner
  • 2nd prize: 5 SBD x 2 winners
  • 3rd prize: 1 SBD x 5 winners


  • 1獎:10 SBD x 1 得獎者
  • 2獎:5 SBD x 2 得獎者
  • 3獎:1 SBD x 5 得獎者

Not related to this question 與此問題無關

Once again, thank you for your support~
Please continue support @krischy and I will keep going❤️



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