🎆 Steemit Has Changed My World + Check Out My New Toy - Squee 🎆

Our life over the few past years has been an amazing journey, one that was filled with rewards and milestones for our children - but it has also faced us with some of the biggest struggles we have ever encountered.

@ausbitbank AKA Adam and I have two severely Autistic non-verbal children under 8, we have had to change the way live and interact with the world around us to ensure the safety and comfort of our children.

To ensure their success Adam and I spared no expense, we burnt through our life savings sending them to an Autism only Kindy to receive full time therapy from when they were only 2.5 years old - meeting best practices guidelines.

However on top of this we found the expenses just kept growing and before long, our savings were gone and then we started to sell anything we owned of value to cover our mounting debts.

In just three years we paid over $250,000 just in therapy for our kids, now I am not complaining in fact I would happily do it again because I know just how massive an impact early intervention has had on our children.

Like most parents there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my kids, that definitely includes going without life's little luxuries - and even in times of great need reaching out to charities, to simply make ends meet or get food and fuel.

However for the first time in 8 years Adam and I are starting to be able to relax and actually enjoy life for a change, instead of being in a constant state of panic about how we would get through the week.

@ausbitbank and I have been on steemit now for 11 months, we have both worked hard within our chosen focus areas and now after all of that time and effort were beginning to see some truly amazing results.

For the first time in 8 years @ausbitbank bought a luxury item that wasn't for the kids, it was for me - squee!

For years we had talked about 3D printers and how awesome it would be to have one, but it was never a practical expense so our talk never went past the wouldn't that be awesome? hypothetical.

Well a few days ago after picking the kids up from school I found a large parcel in the office, all @ausbitbank said was that I might want to take a few pictures...


So here's what I found, not only had he bought me a 3D printing pen.



He had also bought an insane supply of PLA filament, so I now have heaps to play with to figure this all out.


I have been addicted to it ever since spending literally hours learning how to use it through trial and error.

Here's my first and very dodgy attempt at anything..


It ended up turning into a basket of flowers - note to self, have a plan of what you want to make before you start.

Then I tried a simple love heart, that I can't seem to get even lol.


I have since learned that apparently it is easier to start on paper and build your layers up, rather than almost starting in mid air with nothing to build up on makes it incredibly difficult to work.

I never knew that when I joined steemit 11 months ago, that my world would change so drastically in such a small amount of time - not just the money side of things either, the people, the information they share and the community in general have changed my world.

Now I do want to stress to anyone reading this that @ausbitbank's success has been based on countless hours of hard focussed work, this didn't just fall into our laps - but with time and effort of your own, there is no telling how massive an impact steemit can have on your life too.

In a way investing in the 3D pen was a smart move, I now have a new tool which I can use to create content for steemit - this in turn will help purchase filament and tools in the future.

But for right now I'm just giddy with childlike excitement over my new toy, something I really didn't expect to ever manage to get and now it's mine all thanks to steemit and @ausbitbank.

So I am anxious to get back to my next little 3D creation, but I just have to say a massive thank you to @ausbitbank - I absolutely love it :D

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