Woot its my Birthday! 🎂 My new Birthday Goal! 🎂 Fantasy Story Update!

Woot it's my birthday! Well it was on the 9th anyway, so I'm now 32 years old and I was wondering - Has anyone else noticed time seems to go faster the older you get?

I remember how old I felt the year I had my daughter, I was 25 at the time since then every year has passed faster than the one before it - now 7 years on I realise I really don't feel older any more I feel exactly the same as I did when I was 25.

It's just odd how in spite of time seeming to speed up I still feel just like I did all those years ago, not much has changed in my life besides my kids getting bigger.

So even though time is flying by, I still feel as though I should have accomplished more in my life by this age - so I have decided I am going to set myself a birthday challenge!

Now some of my followers may be wondering, where I have been lately or why my post output has been much lower than usual over the past three weeks. Long story short shool holidays... but now it's finally back to school I can find the time to post on steemit again!

Now just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean I haven't been writing, in fact that is all I have been doing in my spare time - I have now written enough of the overall story line, I feel as though I am very very close to finally starting on the main storyline of my original fantasy novel for steemit!

Over the past three weeks I have been scribbling down notes, creating new and interesting characters and writing a less detailed overview of the story at large. I have now written an overview for at least two massive completed novels or even three slightly smaller novels.

I have a better understanding of where I want the story to go and how I want things to develop or unfold as we continue on this journey, there are however a few more details I want to have solidified before I begin to release it on here.

  • I intend to continue to add a few more posts to the reference book I have been writing lately, I still have some more creatures and plants to reveal.

  • I want to discuss at least some of the other kingdoms and places on Keltorin, so readers can find out some extra bits of information.

  • I want to explain the gods in some detail and the roles they play in the people's lives, and to show how they differ in different places.

This is such a large world, I want it to be full and rich with the colour, depth and complexities that truly reflect that of a real world.

I am living and breathing this story at the moment, every conversation leads back to some element or focus I intend to use.

I am so excited to get this story out to all of you, I am just being extra cautious so I don't ruin anything - my story is so large and complex that a slight misstep could change the world, direction and characters greatly.

This story is a large part of my life now, I am completely invested in seeing this story through to it's end - however far away that may be.

I am just wanting to be careful to ensure the integrity of the messages and meaning I am trying to convey, this story isn't just long for the sake of being big - It is long because it needs to be to ensure the proper story is being told.

I hope you can all bare with me while I hammer out the last few details, I will be posting more of my reference story soon - But the real story will begin very soon!

So my big goal to accomplish for my birthday next year is to have finished or at least completed and posted on steemit a large portion of the first book in my fantasy saga!

Have you ever tried setting yourself a birthday goal to help get you motivated?

Like what you've read so far?

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