Be in love! But do not allow itself to be used.

Women are inclined to indulge in wishful thinking and invents, then what is not. Therefore often these hopes were not realized, we become attached to those one we love, we cry, we feel the pain.


Loneliness compels us to enter into a pre-unpromising relationship. We always feel who this man and suited to us, but we hope that we will change it. Do not base his life on the illusions, people do not change, and frustration is inevitable. Why do women are coming up, it is necessary to talk, figure out what you want to know. Many are afraid to do it. They go out on dates, enter relationships...


And when talking about the main, if not at the beginning? If a man says he is not ready for a serious relationship, you should not think that he is shy or modest, he just does not love and does not take you seriously. There is no need to conjecture its context, if the man he says he does not want to marry, it means he does not want to marry you. And we think that? "I will try, and he will want."

He not inviting friends and acquaint parents, means that you do not perceive seriously. Or a man disappears, does not appear for weeks, practically does not show initiative for the development of of relations, and we sit and we wait, "he has something happened to today will deal with affairs and all will be well." Everything will be fine? Of course not.

If the initiative comes only from you, then it means that the prospects of such a relationship do not have. If he cancels the meeting, busy all the time, you rarely think, it was not interested in you. You should not to justify it and to mislead. Sometimes a man can just say, "I'm not is worthy of, find to itself other." So what? The woman begins to think that she's too good for him, and he feels insecure. No, he feels that he does not fit you, or he had the other woman, just does not know how to tell you to put it mildly.

Sexual relations is also not is said that at all of you serious. Especially if only sex underlies your relationship. If a man wants you, it does not mean that a man in love. Do not rush to the proximity of, and give yourself time to the man to see if he has interest in you than sex? If you are talking for a long time, and the man does not tell you about their feelings, words of love, it means that he has no love for you.

Do not invent feelings, which are not. Because then you are starting to believe in it, to make plans for a joint life, and the man did not even guess about it, he just spends time. When falling fruitless of hope - it is always painful.


Also importantly frankly answer the questions: 

  • What is the place I occupy in the life of this man?
  • This is a really serious relationship and I came up with?
  • Whether speaks a man about the future?
  • Do you feel the warmth, or a certain distance and coldness?

Relationships have to evolve if they are frozen or sluggish growth - hence, man, unfortunately, does not perceive the you in earnest. There is no need to justify it. If you understand that man does not love you, do not try to win his love. If you have recently met with a man, give up the naive, try to hear what your partner says and not what you want to hear. You enter into a relationship without illusions and fantasies. Why invent? 


Do not need in male find what is not there. Just try to see what it is. Then and never will painful disappointments. And also do not forget about their female dignity and not allow itself to be used.

 Image Sources: Google, 

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