Best friends sharing life together

Friends that share life together also share the highs and the lows.

The next time someone tells me they have had one of those days.

I am going to think of today. (Friday Feb. 02, 2017) I woke up to a text from my college host family that she was having surgery because that cough wasn't going away and they found a spot on her lung. Fast forward an hour, my best friend called, and she was laid off at work. They were very generous with her severance pay.

We spent the day together and realized we needed to celebrate unemployment with ice cream. I came home and my chickens didn't lay their normal amount of eggs. This isn't a concern for me as much. I just thought you should know, even my chickens were feeling down. Then a call from a frantic friend that her baby had a seizure and she was driving to the hospital to be with her. Her baby was with the grandmother which is a twelve-hour drive. We prayed, she calmed down, and I got another text.

I have an interview Monday for a job. I am very excited for this one; so far it sounds ideal. Also, today is @lenadr’s birthday, go wish her a Happy healthy birthday!

The next time someone tells me they have had one of those days.

I am going to remember today. Throughout the day several thoughts passed through my mind. Many sayings actually, and two in particular that kept repeating. One being, don't let your highs be too high and your lows be too low.

The second being, if you fear the Lord then you having nothing else to fear. No fear of death because I only fear a life without Christ in it. No fear of loss because there isn't anything I have that can't be taken or given by my savior. No fear of sickness, no fear of failure, no fear because I only fear that who is above it all.

In the midst of worrying, I was reminded of fear and I listened to this song "You're Gonna Be Ok" - Brian & Jenn Johnson | After All These Years on replay. Then I listened to We Are Messengers - "Magnify" and repeated these words from the song.

Oh God be greater, than the worries in my life
Be stronger, than the weakness in my mind
Be louder, let your Glory come alive
Be magnified

Then I had myself a cry. Not after all this bad news, a couple of days before when I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Today, I think I'm in shock and in awe that I feel at peace. It's all going to be okay, even if I don't feel okay right now. So, how's your day going?

sireh kubby draw up process.jpg

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