Is online dating a joke?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

-Albert Einstein -

Going into online dating thinking if I don't try it, then it I cannot say it doesn't work.
however, I can. I do however, have plenty of stories to share. Nothing exciting, sorry. Lets just say, several messages later and even fewer dates has led to the conclusion that online dating was not for me.

Have you a story to share?

Maybe you have a success story to share? I have plenty of stories of friends of friends that have had success.

I gathered a group to share some stories of their adventures with online dates. None are in this picture, but I really liked it and thought it fitting. Unfortunately, the stories were all the same and humor was mostly from those sharing. I ended up missing a lot of what they said because I was laughing so hard. Lets just say, pictures can be very deceiving and age is relative. However, we all had the same issue and I thought I would make a list.

Lesson of online dating

  1. Not everyone there is looking for someone to date...

  2. Some people think reading their profile is judging them...

  3. Pictures are a suggestions of looks...

  4. Common interest aren't necessary for dating...

  5. Non-Christian use christian dating sites...

These are just some of the lessons I learned. I went to a private Christian school in college and we always joked about getting

our MRS degree & Ring by spring. These jokes didn't pan out to well in my online conversations either. All pictures are my own and the first one is my dad :) His my favorite. Don't forget to comment! I cannot be the only one who struggled with online dating.
Share you stories with me..


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