What feeling best describes you?

We all have skills and talents they say.

I have found, as many of you have as well, that the gift of writing, creating, and drawing are selected for few. I myself am not gifted in the arts. I pretend to be a writer on here and you have kindly appreciated my efforts. I have learn to write from the heart and the rest will follow because it is not forced.

My true gift you see is Empathy & Joy.

I was born and have developed over the years the ability to listen not to be heard, but to gain understanding of the speaker. I feel the greatest joy in my heart. As a child I always smiled and giggled at everything. As a teen, I was quite and allowed the glow of joy to radiate in the moments in which it allowed it self.
Optimistic, that is what some call it. The go luck girl, glass half full, child like humor. You see some tried to call it being naive or inexperienced. Like wise, they poke fun at my challenges with dyslexia. You see I see all the letters, but not always in the right order. Most of my text responses are text to speech because I cannot remember how to sound out the letters in order.

Either way, look at me know. Writing and spreading joy every post I read.

Story Time....

There once was girl born of a family know for their beautiful blue/green eyes. She never understood how or why she had plain brown eyes. She had other qualities aligned with the family traits, however not her eyes. She grew up always questioning, always doubting, always wishing it was different. One day she went on a mission trip with her church. Deep into the forest she met a group of people. A group on individuals no one knew was there. They welcomed her with open arms, listened to her tell stories, and accepted her gifts. She returned excited to her camp to tell her group leader. With awe, he listens to every word and finally responding, " We have tried for years to speak to them and they wouldn't accept us". Later that night the forest people chef came and left a gift. It read, because her eyes were like ours and we knew she was like us. A safe haven.

Created for a purpose

Each individual regardless of their challenges were created for something. It can be a single moment, or a life time of contribution. I have come to accept that my joy is like no other. It fills a room and encourages many hearts. My ability to listen and not always relate, but feel with you and for you brings many comfort. My gifts cannot always be taught. My gifts cannot be faked and yield the same results.

I am empathy. I love hugs and encouraging words. I believe you were made for greatest even when you don't... What feeling best describes you?


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