The Old Dog Asks: Car Wars……….. Can The Battle be Won?

What should you do if it is impossible to park your car in the city? Easy.... get a car that's the size of a BATHTUB and voila!  

 Could you fit your car into that spot? This guy just did! You might wonder how the driver got out of the car!

In the small city of Lugano where I often work, the authorities have eliminated more than 650 parking places in the past 10 years. They have also increased the parking rates of the ones that do remain so that it now costs a fortune! Scooters, bicycles and tiny electric cars like the Twizy pictured above park for FREE!   

  Today while working in Lugano I observed several of these nifty and nimble electric wonders and even got to witness one maneuvering into the smallest parking spot I’ve ever seen. I was also able to speak to the owner and he was just gushing about his 9-month love affair with the little beauty pictured here! Do you like the color?

Were You Wondering How He Got Out Of The Car?

No sweat getting out...just flip up the door and out pops a typical Swiss Banker ready for his downtown job!

  Quick Facts About This Car

  • Number of passengers: Driver plus one. Yes no joking there's a rear seat for a passenger!
  • length of 2.32 metres (7 ft 7 in)  
  • width of 1.19 metres (3 ft 11 in)  
  • height of 1.46 metres (4 ft 9 in). 
  • Winter driving: winter tires can be added  
  • Heating: provided by plugging in electric blankets to keep the driver warm. 
  • Top Speed: 80 km hour (50 mph)
  • Range on Full Charge : 80-100 km (50-60 miles)
  • Charging Time: With empty battery about 3.5 hours


I climbed up onto a window ledge to take this "aerial" photograph! The things that I do as a Steemit reporter!

 How Much Does This Baby Cost? 

Note: One Swiss Franc is close one U.S. Dollar

The Twizy is available in three models, starting at Sfr 9,700 up to Sfr 12,400. The price does not include the battery pack, which is leased for a monthly fee that includes roadside assistance and a battery replacement guarantee. In Switzerland the fee is Frs 90/month about 90 USD.     

Free Parking And Free Charging in The City!

Check out these other Twizy cars that I saw in the same area on the same day! They were parking and in some case charging the battery for free!

  Nice tight parking job and a pretty cool looking little vehicle! FREE parking!

This little guy is even getting a free charge!

Look at the symbol painted on the road. The parking space is for motorcycles only but this little car qualifies!

  What are your observations?

  • Is this type of car making inroads where you live? 
  • Are they street legal in your country like they are here in Switzerlnad?
  • Are there similar or better alternatives? 
  • Could you see yourself driving one of these cars?      

I hope that you enjoyed seeing how transportation is evolving here in Switzerland!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 

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