The Old Dog Asks: Did I Just Break My Own World Record?

  I think that I just broke my own World Record! So far I can't really say for sure but I'm quite convinced. It's just got to be true! Who in the world could have possibly beaten me?  

Yes that's one of my diesel trucks! It is usually warm her in Ticino but not always! When it snows it snows!

  Am I Proud of my Almost For Sure World Record?  

  It actually hurts me to admit it and I'm embarrassed to talk about it. Only a few close family members have been told.  

   I can't believe I'm actually broadcasting this here let alone forever chiseling (I believe the correct term is "registering" but chiseling sounds more Old World permanent) it onto the Steemit blockchain!    

  My Almost For Sure World Record is .........Four!  

  Yes I know four doesn't "sound" high at all but in this case it's impressive. Impressive in a bad way!  

  What is This World Record?  

  Are you ready? I put gas in one of my diesel trucks for the fourth time last Saturday! There I said it! Now you can laugh at me, belittle me, or my own personal preference, feel sorry for me!

Do you honestly think anyone has done it more than 4 times? If they have I'd like to know about it and my hat's off to the true World Record Holder!

  What's The Big Deal About Putting Gas in a Diesel Engine?    

If you put regular gas into a diesel engine it will clunk to a stop after a very short distance. Then you have to get it towed to a garage, have the fuel pumped out, have all of the injectors cleaned and then put in the right fuel.

Questions You Probably Have:

How could you do something so stupid? I don't know I guess that this curious Old Dog gets lost in other thoughts at critical moments! (actually I was checking my Steem feed but don't tell @lellabird60!)

Was Your Wife Mad? What do you think? Of course @lellabird60 was! Especially since she was with me and had to take the bus home to prepare dinner for arriving guests while I was off to the garage with the tow truck!

Actually by using my best "Sad Old Dog" eyes her anger turned to feeling sorry for me!

How much did this mistake cost you? You mean in time or money? Plenty of both really. I'm attaching the bill for your viewing pleasure! On top of the total you have to include a full tank of regular fuel which was drained from my tank. So add another Frs. 80.00 to the Frs. 362.95

Below here you'll find, for your viewing pleasure, the total bill for my most recent gaff!

The total bill including the lost fuel was over $400.00!

This on line magazine calls someone who did this ONCE the goof of the month! What does that make me? :(

Points to Ponder!

  • Am I really a goof!
  • Do you respect me less now?
  • Should I get rid of my diesel vehicles?
  • Have you ever done something this goofy?

I've gotta run now. I'm off to contact the Guinness Book of Records!

I hope that you enjoyed my almost for sure World Record! I know I didn't!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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