The Old Dog Asks: How Much is Too Much? Should I be Concerned?

Our family garden produces a lot of kiwis and we have baskets full to keep us going. Last weekend a friend brought a big bag of kiwis from her dad's garden. What to do?

Did I Really Just Juice 20 Kiwis? Should I be Worried?

This are just some of the kiwis that I juiced along with some of the strawberries and some of the ginger

20 Kiwis A Few Strawberries And A Knob of Ginger

This recipe was for three of us. A huge beer mug full of juice for me son and two regular small drinking glasses for @lellabird60 and myself. I added the ginger because I like the taste and also because it clears up my son's breathing!

Here are the other ten that I juiced.

In they go with just a quick rinse skin and all! We never spray our kiwis. I've never had any insect or bird attacks!

The final result was quite sour so I added this secret ingredient. 

The Color is Not as Nice I Had Hoped For!

The final result didn't look great as the red of the strawberries turned the beautiful lime green of the kiwis brownish.

The taste and consistency of the juiced kiwis is fantastic. I added the strawberries as an experiment with the color and it's much nicer without them. The question remains did I overdose?

Others Have Worried About Kiwi Overdose!

Obviously I'm not the first one to think about this!

So How Much is Too Much?

According to a post by the home-grown Steemit star @papa-pepper here is the nutritional data from 2 kiwi which is the recommended daily dose or limit:

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA):

The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin c for instance is very low according to conventional medicine. After doing my own research I regularly take at least 3,000 mg of vitamin c and much more if I get sick. 

Here's a Short Funny Video About Serving Sizes on Packages From One of My Favourite Comedians. 100% Family Friendly Brian Regan!

What do You Think? 

  • Did I over do it?
  • Will I harm Myself?

I hope that you enjoyed this post about kiwi juicing.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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