Visiting Bosnia


I kinda screwed up the process of getting residence permission in Serbia... My visa expires on 22 June and it's not enough time to finish the process.

Stari Most, Mostar, Bosnia
However, on the bright side, I can resume from where I left off when I return.

So, the plan for now is probably to find an apartment in Zenitsa or Sarajevo (@deearchi has a friend who lives in Zenitsa, it's a couple hundred km northwest of Sarajevo), and chill and run my miners for a few months while I wait for the schedule to suit these silly rules about when people are allowed to move around...

After that I'm heading back to Serbia to live in Belgrade, finally gonna get around to spending 6 months training at Systema at last :) But for now, I'm just cooling my heels here in Novi Sad until I go.

I'm starting to get bored of just doing not very much and playing a lot of Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl... I just am not happy about working in windows... the absence of a proper shell really bugs me. On the other hand, I can be sure that my code will compile on windows (windows is often the showstopper with Go applications that are built first on unix systems).
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