Every Way that I Currently Make Money Online!

I have posted a few blogs about how I make money but it is constantly evolving and I am adding new incomes. So, here is a full list of how I make cash.

  • Obviously, Steemit.

I don't really need to explain this one. :) It's by far the most enjoyable and rewarding online income though.

  • Mturk.

I've made about $10,000 on mturk over the past few years. I have a masters qualification with them and when in a pinch can hop on and make $15-$40 but it can take a lot of work and focus, add ons, and multi-tasking. However, still how I try to make my grocery money. :) On this site many requesters post wildly different tasks. Can be categorization, data entry, looking at porn and making up titles, writing, just endless but many people pay poorly which is why add ons are really important. The Mturk community, we are known as turkers, are a very clever bunch and if you are really fast and good at multitasking and using computers you can learn to make money on Mturk.

Check out: Http://www.turkerhub.com/ for newbie guides if you want to join Amazon Mechanical Turk.

  • Red Bubble

I just started selling shirts with RedBubble recently, well more than shirts. SO MANY ITEMS available. I made over $50 in my first month off just a handful of designs so I need to focus more of my energy there. If you have some basic design skills you can easily make designs with transparent backgrounds and put them on mugs, duvets, phone cases, pillows, and of course shirts!

  • Amazon Merch

You have to sign up for this one and there are tiers you work your way out of to get more slots for designs. I must admit I am not doing as well here as I am on RedBubble. Marketing and niche research seems VERY important for this one and it certainly isn't my specialty. Nevertheless, I am still working on designs there.

  • UserTesting

When I actually keep this open all day while working at my desk I have made quite a bit. I have a 4.5 star rating and many tests under my belt. I made $300 a few months ago in one month. Each test is only about 15 minutes but sometimes they are longer and tell you ahead of time and pay you more. You can also get tests on your tablet or phone. You just go around a website while speaking aloud and answering questions that are prompted. I recommend getting a headset and watching usertesting tip videos to make sure you don't get a bad rating straight away!

  • Etsy

I post my large paintings on Etsy and most of them do sell. They may sit for months but I will randomly have a few hundred dollars. I now have a ton of stock to post. I have been hoarding all my art for myself because it is so personal. One tip for etsy is that when you get a really lot of listings like over 100 you get more exposure. You can also sell things like digital files. I sell prints on there too. I use iprintfromhome.com and just go make the prints and have it sent to the seller. So, I randomly get $10 here and there for my prints. Again, I really need to post more stuff but all my different "jobs" have me so busy and scattered. hehe

  • Creating books using Amazon CreateSpace.

I used to do this but lately want to do recipe books and other information-based books. I would like to also release them for the kindle. If you have knowledge that people want you can definitely make money selling e-books on createspace. It might not be easy but there is money to be made.

I've done all sorts of crazy things for money online. I used to have a phone farm for running the PerkTV app and would get like hundreds a month in amazon gift card money for letting them play videos. They ended up dropping the rewards majorly and I stopped. Then for awhile this site called "Phrendly" was posted on r/beermoney and I used that site. You chatted with people like it was a dating site but really they bought you drinks so it was a hustle. I met some genuinely neat guys there tho. Didn't actually sext at all we talked about science, art, geek stuff. They knew what was up and so did I. Eventually, I think the guys got bored of the platform understandably but I made like $500 a month for a few months for almost no effort at all.

So it's important to keep your eyes peeled for new ways to make money online because they come and go and there's always ways to make cash.

Afterall, this is how I survive being debilitated from my illness and entirely homebound. I still have to eat, pay rent, but cat stuff and have no savings. I purely exist by making money online. I am constantly striving to make more money too.

I have sooo many future plans I haven't had time for too. Once I start exploring more avenues I will share them. :)

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