Volunteering at a Mental Hospital to Make Stuffed Monsters.

... and Being Chased by a Mob of Racists.

In case you couldn't tell from the title this is indeed another dream report. I have come to love journaling my dreams on Steemit. I have always have really vivid and crazy dreams and it's really fun sharing them here. This is two dreams that both occurred last night.

In the first dream I was a patient at a mental hospital and it seemed like I had lived there long-term. I made children stuffed monsters there that I sewed by hand. For some reason the hospital had supplies specifically for this task. It is worth noting that I have been thinking about making actual stuffed monsters when I get myself a sewing machine so it's no surprise that this showed up in my dream.

I ended up escaping the mental hospital for a night. Girl Interrupted style. I went to party and a lot of my real life friends were there. I was drinking beer, and wine, having a really great time. Everyone started to clear out and I was still looking for beers in the fridge and feeling anxious about having to go back. I eventually realized it was like 11am the next day and rushed back terrified.

When I got back an older lady who was really mean was telling me I was done. For some reason, I guess I wanted to STAY at the mental hospital and was being kicked out? I said that I would at least like to volunteer to keep making the toy monsters for the children in the cancer ward. Yeah, the kids were terminally ill. Why were they in a mental institution with crazy adults? I don't know it's a dream! She said absolutely not and I pleaded with her saying that I make the best monsters and the kids love them. This is where I had to wake up to pee.

The second dream is set in the 1950s.

In this dream I am not myself but rather look to be a mixed woman which makes little sense because of how the dream unfolds. I am wit a group of 50's housewives and explaining to them that my girlfriend (romantically) is not in fact white and that her child is mixed. This makes the women really outraged and when they see that I am not outraged with them they start to turn on me. Like I said, makes little sense as I am not white in the dream but they seem to think I am.

They end up getting violent and I suddenly have this L shaped...thick....geode almost? It was like a crow bar shape but was way thicker and made up of purple crystals. I was using it to smash the women violently and then began running. As I was running I bumped into my girlfriend and the child and am in a very much post 2000 looking apartment complex and no longer look like I should be in the 50's, neither does my girlfriend. I tell her that we need to go back to the apartment and pack our things and leave. She is questioning me as I try to get her to RUN. Then I can hear the housewives coming up on us as we are rushing up the stairs they are yelling about beating the shit out of my girlfriend and also start screaming about raping her. This is where I woke up...yes, to pee.

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