Impatience is a Form of Self Sabotage


I am a somewhat impatient person and this is slowing down my progress.

Impatience occurs when we have a goal in mind and are hastily driven to line up our ducks in readiness to rapidly move forward to the achievement of said goal.

Triggers for impatience can be mundane or meaningful.


Just the other day, I was on a stealth mission to speedily post my son’s Christmas box to him in Spain. What I imagined should have been a speedy in/out, dusted and done affair was stymied by a queue as long as an eels winkle! (Not sure how long that actually is but hey it kinda made me smile and so survived my edit!). As I stood in line for 45 minutes I had to consciously choose to remain patient.


When I was five I had a potentially life changing interaction with the spiritual realm which scared me so much that I closed the door firmly shut on the esoteric. And, again when I was 13.

Through doing this I now realise I denied my true nature.

Today, finally, I speak to spirit. I lucid dream and get intuitive flashes. Yet, although I catch my name and short phrases, the bulk of my conversation with my spiritual team is facilitated through Rick who acts as a channel whilst he sleeps! My husband is a natural psychic who interacts with spirit as easily as he does with the checkout girl at the local supermarket.

Sometimes channeling for me annoys him - it certainly frustrates the hell out of me as I am keen to be able to communicate independently with my team.

I feel that I have lost a conservative minimum of 40 years of advantage as I unwittingly blocked my abilities and purpose and, now that I recognise this, I am keen to get busy.

Recently I heard the voice of my Guardian Angel, Matthew independently which was extraordinary. I have received lucid messages from him but the other week I was shocked when, in response to my wittering on, he too channeled through Rick! I was quietly whispering in the dark, reaching out for encouragement and validation that my abilities were developing when he responded;

“Patience is key”.

When I continued;

“I know but I feel that I have wasted so much time. I feel as if I have missed the boat”.

He wisely countered;

“Not missed the boat, just delayed the departure”.

I am told that I am a Lightworker.

A Lightworker does not necessarily have to be psychic. Here on Steemit I see many who are probably unaware of their status. A Lightworker is someone who through their choices and way of being is selflessly working for the greater good of all.

In a world where greed and corruption are rife and many people are consumed by wanton materialism at any cost, regardless of the impact on environment, beast or person, my voice and message, like yours, is vitally important.

Through spreading awareness and living mindfully we create upbeat high energy ripples which have a profound effect on the collective energetic vibration. The higher the vibration the more pure the energy which is then able to effect positive change on lower frequency activity.

Still, change takes time. And significant change can take significant time.

And so, I have become aware that I have been subtly self-sabotaging through my desire for quick fix progress. I must cultivate patience and am told that this is just one of my many lessons I have to learn in this lifetime before I am able to step fully into my power and be of real service.

Zen is the order of the day with a generous portion of French Fries on the side.


With Love xox

(New to Steemit I have a lot to contribute to this vibrant community. All words, pictures and illustrations are my own work. I politely request that if you enjoyed this piece you spread the love and generously upvote/follow and even resteem so as, together, we can fly - with thanks).

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