6 things most hated by men, Men Also Have Heart!

Men think with logic. He was not always like everything, and can hate something not because he wanted to, but for a reason. Men loved women. But not all women do same with him. Men are also the same with women. They just want to be understood.

(1). Men really hate to hurt the woman he loves.

Man. He did have a limit of patience, especially in the face of someone he loved. Just imagine the number of times he had managed to reduce the fire demon in him, when he clashed with his mother. Especially when she saw her mother crying, her heart melted. He could not forgive himself. He looked so weak, because of hurting her.

He will be very sorry. No matter what the case will be pursued in the future, he just wanted to apologize to the girl he loves, in the near future. But sometimes, when men looking for him, she often realize it is too late.

(2). Was left without a reasons.

Men sometimes spent the night for reflection, trying to find possible mistakes committed, to the woman he loves go. More pain, he went without giving a reason, or at least say goodbye. Men are not able to imagine the days that will feel empty without his lover smile.

We actually will see the true character of a man, when the woman he loves go away. We never know how deep the wounds inflicted on man at the time, because men will always try to treat the wound. In its own way.

(3). Not accept him back.

Men are always wrong. The man was never able to feel completely full. Sometimes to feel struggle for apologize, will not run smoothly if facing some kind of woman, which is difficult to forgive. For that, the fact that women are very easy to forgive, deserves to be questioned. Apologized to the woman, not an easy matter. Because men are required to admit all the mistakes in front of women. But if she insists did not forgive him, then it is the one thing that is hated by man.

(4). Parting

Men must be willing to remove the pieces of his heart, which will go away. Because, if he wants to start anew, he sometimes had to let go of her pieces are very valuable. Pieces of her time to make him feel happy, calm in the face of problems, wound dressings, reliever conflict, to embrace that was supposed to be where he supposed to go home. Men hate parting, but loved their meetings. He must learn to forget, even in the beginning he'd just met. But he believes, God always has the best plan for him.

Until classic parting words, like 'Stay with me', often unspoken between the two beings who would split up. But they must each give up, if the separation is the best decision for the good of both of them.

The problem is, they are ready, hold the promise?

(5). Being as expected.

Men will feel sorry, when he found him all this time just trying to be as expected, even though women only expect him to be himself. Women just wanted him to be desired by him, in some specific situations. women do not want to feel being loved another male figure, and found the man she loved was not 'him formerly again'. Men and Women are hate this thing

(6). Saying false promises.

Keeping himself already difficult. Determine the direction of his own life has been harder than just saying it, as if able. But the man has a fatal flaw, which is often utter promises that looks sweet, actually did not afford him realize.
Until these factors often make women feel uncomfortable, and branded the man only as a 'braggart'. The problem only, affection for a man who made her say something, sometimes not taking logic. In some situations, a man always puts his heart to speak.
And Men really hate to say something which he can not make it happen.

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