Fighting Off The Birds Of Death For Love

The wifey wanted some pictures of Hummingbirds to do a post about the homemade food she makes for them. She was trying to snap pictures of them all morning and part of the afternoon but didn't have any luck.

Every time she would go on the back porch they would fly away.

Me, being the dutiful husband(or glutton for punishment) decided to give it a shot.

Little did I know it would take approximately an hour, two (almost) hummingbird attacks, and an arm turning to jelly before I would accomplish the task.

Hummingbirds are very territorial and the idea of getting a 3-inch deep beak incision almost made me give up the job.

But I couldn't do that, because


If they truly wanted to attack me, I would be "up the creek without a paddle" as they say. These creatures are the super heroes of the bird kingdom.

Do you really think I can outrun a bird who can flap its wings 200 times a second when in a dive? Not to mention their brain. They have to be the MacGyvers of the bird kingdom because their brain makes up 4.2% of their body weight.

Could you imagine MacGyver with the speed of Usain Bolt? That could catapult him past Chuck Norris on the Baddest Man On The Planet list!


So, there I am risking life and limb to get some hummingbird birds of death pictures. We had a few discussions while I was out there.

I mean these boogers eat all the time. My wife fills up their feeders at least twice a week and in my best bird speak I told them:

"Tweet tweeeety tweet chirp kaw kaw clack whistle whistle cluck coo." Translation: Go ahead and keep it up. I know you need food because your metabolism is 100x that of a dang elephant. I'll cut off the gravy chain if you keep messing me.

I swear they didn't care because they were sticking their tongues out at me while eating.

What kind of junk is that?

In the end, I'll keep feeding them because I kind of feel bad for them. Most hummingbirds die in the first year of life, so why not make it pleasant for them while they are here, even if they are rude?

Not to mention, they are kind of cool to watch.

Top Picture Source, Other Pictures/Video by @lexikon082, unless annotated.

Video Of Hummingbird Eating


Article explaining inspiration

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