The Comeback Kid: Finding Passion and Breaking the Chains Of Alcoholism and PTSD.

As many of you know I have posted on Steemit about my personal struggles and some of my past here on this blog. I posted a personal message to my friends and family that I will keep public. I spoke to my wife over the last few days about making this video and today was finally the day.

While dealing with PTSD and the Alcohol I used as a coping mechanism; I have secluded myself from the world. I have many friends and family that have neither heard my voice nor seen my face in a very long time. I posted this video to let them know I AM BACK. I do however consider the Steemit Community part of my friends and some of you even feel like family so I wanted to share this with you.

It is personal (and yes addresses VIVA) and I am sure many may even be critical of this posting. And that is ok. I have always been honest(some say to a fault) and I have no desire to lose that honesty inside of me. If someone in the public sphere chooses to be critical and no longer associate with me because of this post I am ok with that. I would rather be surrounded by fellow homo sapiens who desire honesty and root for someone who is taking charge of their life and trying to improve it.

I know there will still be bad days. I am learning to cope with those bad days and not resort to self-destruction. I know PTSD will still be a part of me and I have been taking steps for a long time to learn to cope with it. I can no longer allow it to dominate my life. I can still be constructive. I can still be productive. I have a lot to offer the world.

For those who may be struggling with something personal in their life. Keep your head up. Don't give up. Keep Grinding. Sweet Victory Can and WILL BE YOURS.

My Message

I misspoke in the video about the target rate of Viva Coin. It is $5.30(per white paper) not $5.10. Cost of Living Adjustment has changed target rate to $5.50.

If you enjoyed this post please Upvote and Follow! I write a little about everything. Some posts are very personal with the intent of helping others. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!

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