Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture translating to “The Divine Song” or the “The Song of the Lord.”
It presents an eternally relevant dialogue between a human representative (Arjuna) and the Supreme Being (as Krishna).
Everyone can draw some good teaching from the Gita, so let's head to the road of eternal wisdom.

1.There is neither this world nor the world beyond, nor happiness for the one who doubts.
Doubt is a tree that never bears any fruit, so keep faith in yourself and just do it. When you overcome doubt — process of growth starts, and with that it gets easier to overcome the hurdles.
2.Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only. You need not have any regrets for the past. You need not worry for the future. The present is happening.
Our past has nothing new, our future depends on what we do in present. You only have control over the present, so live it to the fullest.
3.You have the right to work, but never to the fruits of work. You should not engage in action for sake of reward, not should you long for inaction.
Always give your best, don't expect anything. When you don't have any expectations, how can be there any disappointments?
4.Change is eternal law of universe.
The earth is moving through space. Night follows day. Even your body is changing every second.
5.When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place.
Many benefits, still you choose not to do it!
6.No one should abandon duties because he sees defects in them. Every action, every activity, is surrounded by defects as a fire is surrounded by smoke.
7.No one who does good work will ever come to bad end, either here or the world to come.