Why the world is full of difference. And that's a good thing.

I love talking about positivity, gender, life and abuse a lot in my writing. I'm narrowing it down to an art. I enjoy it. I can honestly say that I enjoy writing about life in general. But perhaps sometimes I can be an idealist. Perhaps I sit here and talk about things that could only be possible for some people in their wildest best case scenario. Like some have pointed out - the world just isn't a happy, fun and friendly place. Africa, for example, where children are dying of hunger. Sometimes as a westerner in one of the many privileged countries in the world, I really do not know I was born.

On the other hand should I bear this guilt? Should I feel bad that I have no idea that in some regions of the world children are recruited into gangs by forcefully killing their parents. I have no idea what that feels like and I'll never know, because both my parents have lived a long and fruitful life and are well on their way to their last legs. Dad is already dead!

I see the world like this. There are those that care for certain issues and work their hardest to make things better for the world these people live in, and there's those that care for other issues such as homelessness and poverty on their doorstep. And, unfortunately there's only those that care for themselves. And that's the way the world is, we're never going to change that.

You could say that I'm a cruel bastard for only speaking to a western audience, but on the other hand what total knowledge and experience do I have on Sahara Desert survival? Or clean water building in Malawi? No, my views and experiences tie largely in with western society. Don't get me wrong though! I'm heavily involved in local charities, I don't volunteer my work anymore, but I give my time to sit on two local backbone charities board of trustees. I try to do my bit.

But should I bear the guilt of what does not affect me, or that I have no control over? Nope. I don't think so. It would be largely unhealthy and negative to do so. I'm not superhuman, and I can't save the world. Neither are you. Focus your time and effort on the things you are passionate about. But if that's clean drinking water in Malawi, then so be it. It's the difference in people that make the world go round.

We judge others largely based on our own experiences. A man may tell his wife to stop babying his son because in his past he only lived with his mother and she mostly did everything for him. Whereas on the other hand another man may tell his wife to connect more with his son because he lacked emotional connection with his mother as a child. It's these differences that charge the balance and recklessness of life and the world that we live in. When we judge others it's more a reflection of ourselves rather than a stain on the recipient. We see things in life directly through the looking glass of our own experiences. As a wise person once said (forget their name) we are the sum of all our experiences.

In my opinion, when you are more able to accept the world for what it is, that some things can be changed whereas others can't, then you are better equipped to deal with the present as it happens. Because getting stuck in the past, wishing what could have been, or even getting frustrated at what isn't happening now, isn't doing yourself or any other person any good. If nothing is changing, why don't you be the change that you'd like to see? The world greatest leaders always lead by example.

And as always we're going to be laden with shit from time to time. Our lives are going to be a complete mess on occasion. My wife just recently spent a week in bed seriously unwell, if I'm honest that was no walk in the park but it was my attitude that saw me through the week. 10 years ago I would have sat there and thought poor me, hid under the covers, and nothing would have been done. Life regularly throws shit storms our way but because I have a 'how do I deal with this best' attitude I get shit done.

And you can too if you don't already.

Positivity is only a mindset. It's basically, acceptance, living in the present and forward thinking all wrapped into one bundle of love.

Accept and embrace the difference in the world, cherish that everyone doesn't think the same as you and challenge and question other people.

Always question authority. Even me if you see me as one (hope not!),

And be well,



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