Lily Da Vine's Vibram Abuse Test: Can they withstand highly functional lifestyles?

I'm worse than kids with shoes guys. I know it's partially because I live a super active lifestyle, but it's also partially because I've been wearing cheap shoes since I've gotten here. So finally we invested about 850 pesos after shipping into these crazy things to give them a try.

@modprobe's been singing the praises of these things for awhile and I used to own a pretty good knockoff version a few years ago so I was interested enough to try it again. I also grew up spending much of my time barefoot, without shoes, so it's how I'm currently most comfortable.

The pink was honestly because they were cheap for those, so it was a good foray into trying these things out. I wasn't excited for the color, I'll be honest, but they've really grown on me since I've had them.

The bottoms are super grippy and they stay on my feet very well making it very easy to climb things like boulders.

The toes are easily moveable making it so you can do everything from crack your toes to wiggle away an itch, both very convenient for me.

I'll be honest guys, I love them. But the true test here on weather or not I can justify the cost of these and more expensive pairs I'm eyeing is how they hold up to me. If they fall apart in a month, I just can't do it. So this is a test to Vibrams, are you Lily Da Vine proof?! I'll share an update when I know!

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