Lily DaVine's Lakshmi Guru Logo Explained!

As I've talked about in previous posts, I've partnered with The Homestead Guru to share my content there.  It's been an interesting experience so far but a rewarding one in my opinion.  Since I've been with them for a little while, I got my own guru logo!

I'll admit I didn't do much research into the concept behind the lakshmi logo before today but what I have found out about the symbology is enough to make me happy to share it with you all and even make it my Facebook profile photo!

So basically Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, health, fortune and prosperity, reportedly four goals important to a happy hindu life.  This is the goddess linked with abundance and many other concepts, which is what we all strive for as people.  The four items I hold in the logo are the four most important to me right now for achieving both a sense of balance and abundance in my life.  So I'll just explain why I picked the four items I did!

Kombucha: In the top left hand, you'll see a jar with a brownish liquid.  In that liquid floats a scoby, something that's become very important to my life recently.  I've made the joke that the scoby is actually an alien life form that has managed to train me to take care of it, but so long as I keep experiencing benefits from it I'll keep brewing.  Kombucha for me symbolizes bringing a balance within myself and an abundance of personal health, something I've literally lacked my entire life.  

Plant: In the lower left hand, you'll see a plant.  Much of my life has been focused around caring for all sorts of plants.  In turn those plants take care of me and help me to provide more to this world.  Plants are also my inspiration for life.  When shit gets crazy in human land the plants keep growing and adjusting.  Something to consider the next time it feels like your world has stopped due to a human event, small or large. 

Bong and Weed: The top right symbolizes my commitment to Cannabis.  This plant has changed my life in many ways and I intend to use it to change the world. 

Fire: Finally, so much of my life is dependent on fire.  From cooking to glassblowing to consuming cannabis fire is essential for my quality of life.  I've always had an extra interest in it, but only in recent years have I really begun to understand the importance of fire (that is controlled fire) for human civilization.  

So these four things represent almost a path for achieving those four things mentioned above: wealth, health, fortune and prosperity.  It's different for everyone which is why all of the gurus at The Homestead Guru are holding their own things, chosen by themselves.  I think it's a cool way to show what's important to each of us, and I'm pretty happy with how mine turned out.  I wasn't sure the graphic designer would understand what a scoby was, but he seemed to get all four things perfectly.  So thanks!

Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!

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