Off Grid Update: No Power and Off Grid Internet Shenanigans

Today's been a bit frustrating to say the least with unreliable power at best. We had electricity for a few hours this morning with a brief few minute return, but it's been dark for us for the rest of the day. Turns out it's literally just us, but not something we can control as the issue seems to be with the grid, and not our problem as we've done all we can to remedy it.

The first three posts I shared today were done on battery power, somewhat of a dipping our toes into off the grid life as we're doing all we can to make it so we don't have to depend on this crappy power anymore.

We're waiting on much of the equipment and are in the process of ordering solar panels, so soon this won't be an issue, but for now John's got a lot of battery charging and testing to do which keeps getting interrupted by the intermittent power.

He's been recycling laptop batteries as well as finding ways to buy and smuggle the batteries and equipment here, but it's starting to come together. We've got about a month left to get this together before it's time to pay another bill.

These are just some shots of his recycling process and the simple battery pack I used to post.

Check out some of our other recent posts!

Acapulco Sunsets: Hurricane Colors
Lily's Little Chicken Meet Meep
Garden Adventures: Baby Jackfruit Trees Mystery Plant and Succulent Zen Garden

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