The Shelf From Hell, Part 4: Why Employing People Sucks Part 4


The shelf from hell, which was started by our compadre (not so much anymore) and finished by John, has been a bit of a sore spot. By the end of it we spent several thousand pesos building something we could have done ourselves, in less time, with less money. While I get going for quality when the situation permits, but I'm still not sure how a shelf for baby plants needs all the attention to detail that was put into this thing.


These photos were taken at the end of the first day John started working on this project, which was the beginning of the end of our friend working for us. The annoying part was that John got a lot done in an hour of work and all our friend could do was criticize it, saying that it's not okay if there would be a quarter inch gap. Upon further examination, there were much worse gaps on the sections he did, which is a bit funny.


I mean...really? Go for quality and detail only when you've got the basics covered. I've learned this myself first hand with many things so I know on this one. You'll never be able to produce a piece of quality if you cannot produce a basic piece. Sadly, he has yet to prove to us that he can do a good job on something basic.



And let's not forget this one shelf was actually supposed to be two shelves...which would have been much more manageable.



Now we aren't just interested in complaining about our friend, who isn't much of a friend at this current point, but we do want to point out difference in mindsets. Since the final firing of our compadre, we've had a friend that's actually an expat @pauliepro stay with us working and have been seriously impressed. Despite working for crappy Mexican wages, he's worked his ass off to help us get things done around here and it really shows. He's gone for a bit now but will be back to do more work. The difference is clear.

@pauliepro isn't just here to work, but he's here with the goal of getting shit done. He has a desire to see us succeed up here with this farm and that shows with how he works. He has yet to do something like waste all day in the bathroom or break something expensive. He spent time every day talking with John to coordinate how things would go and they worked well together. Later, I'll share some progress on the Wall of Paul since there's been quite a bit.

So I'll cut this short for now, as this isn't even the end of this tale and there is honestly much to do.


Check out some of our other recent posts, starting with the first two posts of this series!

The Shelf From Hell: Why Employing People Sucks Part 1
The Shelf From Hell: Why Employing People Sucks Part 2
Green and White Sherlock Practice Pipe Photo Shoot
Acapulco Sunsets: Crescent Moons and City Light


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