The Stray Dog Motorcycle Mishap: Injured Due to Some Annoying Dogs

Ever since we've moved in theres been this pack of dogs by my house that's been needlessly aggressive towards us since the day we moved in. A few members have changed but the result is the same, crazy barking every time we do anything that grabs their attention (including leaving the house) and occasionally even attempting to attack me. I say attempt because I know how to deal with aggressive dogs and those attack attempts always end in the dogs running shrieking when I chase them back.

But these dogs are getting old. It's been nearly two years and they're getting more aggressive if anything. We did our best to befriend them at first...for like a year and they just wouldn't stop. They love to chase the truck and have nearly been run over so many times. They also like to attack us on the motorcycle and yesterday they caused us to crash. This isn't our first close encounter on the bike, we've accidentally run over a dog before because it was trying to bite the front tire as we were driving towards it.

It was a lot of factors that led to the perfect storm which ended with the bike falling on John and I in front of our neighbors house. This is the same neighbor with a newborn baby and has been equally fed up with the dogs barking at us. The neighbor likes us and has been known to chase down dogs and beat them for getting aggressive with me. So when he came out and found our bike on the ground with us both chasing the dogs away in separate directions he was about as angry as we were.

We exchanged "lo sientos" or "I'm sorry"s and smiles. We picked up the bike and assessed the damage, which was there but not much. Just enough damage to make it annoying but not enough to break the bike. The pictures are of my hip, which has since been cleaned and treated with weird common purple disinfectant. I got a pretty deep gouge on my hip from a rock that I actually ended up pulling out of my hip. Gross. John's pretty scraped up and sore too.

Needless to say, we're fed up. Of the.....30 or more dogs that live in this neighborhood those are the only ones that act like that. I'm actually on friendly terms with many of the dogs further from my house. For whatever reason, these dogs continue to hate me but now that they've hurt me, I'm not being nice anymore. That could have gone a lot worse.

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